Friday, December 20, 2019


"Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, 
I beseech thee, deliver my soul."
(Psalm 116:4)

Anyone anywhere, all over the world, can call upon the Name 
of the Lord, and seek His omnipotent grace
He is nigh unto anyone who seeks Him in humility, and the 
 sorrows of repentance, in the fall upon the face
It only takes the mention of One Name called out in urgency, and 
suddenly heaven's angels gather around that soul
As the Spirit of Jesus Christ comes to dwell in His "dust" with the
  tongues of fire, from lips touched with hot coals
It's the Holy Ghost poured out from Jesus, who is risen and alive,
 as He fills us with His Spirit and power
Who can deny this move that's consuming every Nation, kindred,
 and tongue?  It's the prophecy of the last hour
Oh, Nations, come one and come all to the beckoning of Your
 Lord and Savior, as He woos You with His love
He will never leave you, nor forsake you; He fills, enfolds, and
 hovers over you, like the feathers of a dove
Why should you wallow in the degradation and suffering of Sin's
 result, when you can be forgiven and set free?
It's joy unspeakable and full of glory when the Spirit of the Lord 
Jesus settles in your soul, in holy beauty
Give it all up to the One who formed you from dust, and gave you
 breath; He waits so anxiously, with open arms
Repent of all the Sin, and come clean before the One who knows
 all; get rid of the witchcraft and evil charms
The devil will promise you pearls, but drag you in the mire, so go
to the One, who lifts to the heavens that are higher
His ear is nigh unto all those who call; He's just a moment away 
 from the repentant, and the desperate crier
Guilt and shame are the powers that drag you down, but the Holy
 One of Israel came to give life, and a crown
It only takes a whisper, if that's all you can muster, and the Lord
 will be there to get rid of the evil, for the showdown
Ah, the splendor and freedom you will feel, when at last your heart
is clean, pure, and filled with His Spirit
It's time now to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ; this is
 salvation; the Lord wants all to hear it
The day will come when time shall be no more; judgment will fall,
 and the world will cry out, but it will be too late
It's best to obey the Holy Bible, rest in the hands of the One who
 died to give you life, and so seal your fate
For He's searching to and fro throughout the earth, for those who
 will receive His love before the end comes
It's simple, the answer to life's terror and woes rests in the Lord
 Jesus Christ and His Word, the two columns
They wrap us in His safety and power; it's a peace upon the
 countenance of those in Christ, who believe
It's because we heeded the whisper, and we ran to the One God
 who reigns with three little words, "call to Me"
The Ark, God's Church, is loading up before the door is shut and
 time is no more; so come on, get on board
Cry out to the Lover of your soul; He's waiting for your call; let 
 your voice reach Him with a plea to your Lord
He wants to set you free, fill you with His Spirit, and lift you from
 the mire, so don't hesitate and don't cower
Today is Your day, for healing, for miracles, for salvation and
 wonders; it's your time for "POWER!"

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

God Bless you!  Your cares are our prayers!
Please send your love offerings for this worldwide 
ministry with One head Pastor, One heart of Passion, 
and One world of Purpose, to 
and you can give online.  We are an anointed prophetic 
Church with over 50 years of Love for every Nation, 
kindred and tongue.  May the Lord bless and keep you!



PromiseLand Church!
Experiencing the "POWER" of our Almighty God,
JESUS CHRIST, every time we meet!

Please join us for 
Wonderful music, powerful 
worship, Anointed Word of God and SOULS!
Live Streaming @!

The Vision is The World for Jesus Christ!  
It's happening!  Spirit upon ALL FLESH!
Obey Acts 2:38; read Acts 19!


{Special thanks to

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