Saturday, December 7, 2019

"The Wise Seek Him!"

The path to glory is long and treacherous; it requires resolve, 
 passion, and purpose, to see it through
Traveling into dimensions beyond earth's sod is a reach into
 ethereal places by the chosen few
The wise realize the journey has a cost; but to those who have 
 Vision; it has not a cost or price at all
Ah, it's a pulling from above to the soul who will yield, and a
 troubling of the spirit to those called 
To those who must go beyond their own sphere to the realm of
 power and glory; it's a dream awakened
It's not for the fainthearted, the fearful or the downtrodden; it's 
for a trailblazer who's seen the way taken
Dreamers are not earthbound; they traverse the eternal spaces
 in nighttime prayers and early morning walks
The Lover of their souls beckons them with woos others know not
 of, and it's a result of lovesick moonlight talks
Midnight is just the beginning for those heaven dwellers; they're 
 most comfortable with stars and the dawn
That mysterious night sky speaks out to them, and the whispers
 from The Creator are why they're so drawn 
They will leave all behind to find Him, bringing their treasures with
 them, to leave tenderly at the Master's feet
So, the desert is no problem, with its cold nights of wonder and its
 daytime of blowing dust and blistering heat
Reaching their destination is the goal and they will forsake the
 world to enter that place and see their King
They're prepared to kneel in the glow of their eternal God and to
 Him their all, they will gladly present and bring
They're wise, you see, in their mindset of what's important and
 what must be done, to realize the end of the offering
The great value lies not in the gifts they lay down, but it lies in the
 knowledge of who they worship and why they sing
They know they didn't set out on this long treacherous trail to
 satisfy themselves, or as a trip taken on a whim
No, no; this was destined from their birth to see The Birth; it was a
 plan of providence because "The Wise Seek Him!"


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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am 
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayers, and if you would like
to sow seed into holy blessed ground, abounding 
with Miracles, power and wonders, please give
online @  God bless you, 
 and I know He surely will!


{Special thanks to for the use of
graphic text generator}

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