Thursday, May 17, 2018

"Vision's Incubator"

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good
profession before many witnesses."
(I Timothy 6:12)

 Martyrs for the cause of Jesus Christ

This thing called FAITH in the LORD Jesus Christ is something worth fighting for.  Why?  Because it has eternal value; it crosses the boundaries of space and time and lands in portals of Glory.  Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the cost on the cross with His blood, His stripes, and His death, but He rose again, and passed the baton to us, His saints, His followers, to carry the torch to the end  ...  we are admonished to take up our cross and follow Him  ...  sometimes our cross, our burden, costs us everything; it's about seeing further than our face, it's about "Vision's Incubator."

The Prophet Jeremiah

The old Testament Prophet, Jeremiah, was known as the "weeping prophet."  It was thought that Jeremiah was most like our Savior, Jesus Christ, than any of the prophets of old.  He was sent to warn of coming judgment of God for the sins of the people, and he didn't mince words; he was plain spoken and got right to the point.  When dealing with people's sins, it must be without flowery persuasion and tender petting.  SIN takes people to Hell, the horrid fiery burning in torture forever; therefore, people have to know clearly and soberly the consequences of sin.  Jeremiah was plain and rough, less polite, but his weeping for the sins of the people tells us his heart.  His vision outweighed his burden  ...

Daniel, in the lions' den

Darius, King Cyrus' governor over Babylon, issued a decree that no god or man other than himself could be petitioned for thirty days.  The decree was made into law and sealed by the King; it could not be revoked, not even by the King, himself.  Daniel's practice was to pray three times a day toward Jerusalem, and he would not default his God by obeying this persecuting decree.  He continued to pray, openly and without hesitation; for this, he was thrown into the lions' den and sealed within.  Darius regretted this decree when he discovered he had been manipulated by men jealous that Daniel had been chosen as prime minister, and Darius respected Daniel's love for his God.  The end of the story is that Daniel's God came through; the lions' mouths were shut, and Daniel was found alive and well the next morning.  FAITH in action, vision of a higher purpose honored, the burden overcame the incubator  ...  the view of the unseen God was "seen."

Then King Darius wrote: To all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in
all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree that in every dominion
of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.  For He 
is the living God, and steadfast forever; His kingdom is the one which shall not
be destroyed, and His dominion shall endure to the end.  He delivers and rescues, 
and he works signs and wonders In heaven and on earth, who has delivered 
Daniel from the power of the lions.  So this Daniel prospered in the reign of 
Darius and in the the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

John the Baptist's head on a charger

How far do we go with this thing called FAITH?  How long do we bear the burden to see the vision fulfilled?  To what extent do we endure persecution for the cause of Jesus Christ?  How far do we carry the prayer, fasting, consecration, holiness, and endurance to reach the world for the Lord of Lords and King of Kings?  The answer?  ALL THE WAY TO THE END!
John the Baptist was the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ, preparing the way of the Lord.  He preached in the wilderness, clothed in camel's hair, and living on locusts and wild honey.  The old Testament Elijah prepared the way for Elisha, and was, in some sense, a type of John the Baptist, who prepared the way of the Messiah; and Elisha, a type of Christ.  God has a pattern of sending people before, to prepare the way of another.  That is what the Church does, the Bride of Christ, we are preparing the way for the groom, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Herod Antipas feared John the Baptist, because of his popularity and his growing political power.  Herod took John prisoner, and apparently during his captivity, John, prophet that he was, warned Herod that he and Herodias were in an adulterous relationship.  This made Herodias furious, so she plotted to have her daughter, Salome, dance at the banquet feast before Herod.  It was customary if the dancer pleased Herod, he would grant her the wish of her choice.  Herodias induced Salome to ask for the head of John the Baptist, and she did.  John the Baptist was beheaded and his head laid on a charger. 

How far do we go in FAITH?  How long do we endure?  To what degree do we hold fast to the doctrine of the truth?  Until the sound of the trumpet! 
The martyrs for the gospel of Jesus Christ taught us that some things are worth the burden, worth the ridicule, worth the persecution, worth the pain, worth the cost, and it is the eternal vision, and for that, we must carry our cross, endure the hardship, because it's all about "Vision's Incubator."

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.
They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do
it to get a crown that will last forever."
(I Corinthians 9:25)

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
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Please let us know where you are and your prayer 
needs!  If you would like to sow seed into Holy 
blessed ground, please give a love offering online 
@  Thank you so much, 
and may God richly bless you, 
and I know He surely will!



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Pray, Witness, Obey Acts 2:38, and Be Ready!
PromiseLand Church!
The Place where the Promise is Love!


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