Monday, May 7, 2018

"A Still Small Voice"

"And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD 
was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."
(I Kings 19:12)

Do you hear Him?  Who?  The Lord God Almighty, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Lover of your soul, that's who!  Most of the time, we just don't get still enough, or quiet enough, or sit at His feet long enough  ...  to hear Him.  He wants to talk to us; He wants to answer our prayers; He wants to have intimate conversations with us, if we just get rid of all the outside noise, distractions, and interruptions.  He's in the whisper; He's in the moonlight sweet nothings wafting through the breezes; He's in the soft sweet brush of angels' wings against your cheek; He's in the gentle mention of your name in the coolness of the dawn  ...  He IS  ...  if we will be there long enough to hear and to listen.  It's not easy; it takes a made up mind to get what you came for; it takes some depth of hunger, some stalwart determination, some holy consecration, some staunch commitment, some desperate waiting, some spiritual groaning, some Holy Ghost tongues in the Spirit, and then some deafening silence  ...

It's in the stillness that we "know;" it's in the light of the night that we hear Him.  He longs for us to sing to Him in the dark hours of the night, and tell Him our secrets, so He can tell us His secrets  ...  It is "alone with God," where we receive visions and dreams, insight and direction, orders and assignments, strength and wisdom, peace and assurance  ...  it happens ALONE.  Have you ever sat in the Church sanctuary all day, alone, waiting on God?  Have you ever taken a vacation to go away and just "be with" the God of your soul?  You say, "I can't do that; I have a job, and a family; I have responsibilities."  I hear ya' and He hears ya'  ...  it's up to you  ... it's up to "us" to make time, because we never have time to do it.  Are troubles surrounding you; does it seem as though your prayers bounce against the wall; do you feel as though your life is falling apart with problems and dilemmas?  Get alone with YOUR God!  Spend time at the feet of Jesus Christ  ... and wait  ...  and listen  ...  and hear  ...  and Receive!

"It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A form stood 
before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice:"
(Job 4:16)

Holy visitations don't occur in the noise of the crowd; angelic presences don't come in the turmoil of television, radio, movies, and the racket of every day life.  They happen in the quiet, in the desert place alone, in the confines of the brook, in the cave of "waiting," in the time of seclusion.  If you're not comfortable with a "visit" from God, don't worry, it won't happen.  He is a gentleman; He does not intrude.  Hunger for Him must come from our part, no matter how much HE wants to be with us and commune with us; it must begin with us.  So it is with salvation; it doesn't just fall on us; we must repent honestly and sincerely, seek Him with all of our hearts, and ask Him to fill us with the Holy Ghost and tongues as His Spirit gives utterance, and He will.  Then, we obey His Word, and we are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for remission of our sins.  It all occurs when "we" bow, when "we" repent, when "we" ask, when "we" obey.  Then, the JOY comes, the peace, the answers, the blessing, the strength, and that hope of "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

The presence of the Lord is a Holy thing, a sacred thing, a moment in time when "time" actually does seem to stand still; it's a moment like no other; it's so very precious and unmistakable in its beauty; it's the most incredible thing that could happen to a human being  ... that moment when you feel Him, you really feel His aura surrounding you, enfolding you, loving you!  How do people live without the Lord Jesus Christ?  They actually don't "live;" they exist!  LIVING occurs when we have Living Rivers of Water flowing through us, which are His Spirit  ...  Don't wait one minute longer!  Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit NOW!  He loves You with an everlasting love, a Holy love, a love like you have never known  ...  He can make you whole, heal your diseases, fill your spirit, calm your nerves, give you peace, work out your life situations, and hold you in the storm, carry you in the terrors, embrace you in your loneliness  ...  Come to Jesus Christ!

Elijah heard Him; He wasn't in the boisterous ferocious wind; He wasn't in the rock-falling, mountain shaking earthquake; He wasn't in the burning, sweltering fire  ...  the Lord was in the "still small voice."  He's still in that soft voice today  ...  we still hear Him today; we still have encounters today; people see angels today; He still speaks today!  We just have to make room for Him, make time for Him, make a place for Him, make adjustments for Him  ... make a bowed knee at His feet, and wait  ...

It's best to listen to His still small voice now, because God can get our attention, if He wants to; He can bring the whole world to a halt if He desires to; He can cause every Nation to look up if He chooses to  ... and He will  ... one day  ...  Maranatha! 

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Bless you wherever you are in the world!  We're a Church
that prays for YOU, loves YOU, seeks YOU to bring YOU
the greatest gift ever given to mankind, Jesus Christ!
Please send us your prayer needs, and if you would like
to sow a love offering and help us reach others like YOU,
please give online @ 

God Bless you, and I know He surely will!


         You must be "born again!"  It means you must
be baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" for
the remission of sins, and receive the Holy Ghost, with 
the evidence of speaking in tongues as God's Spirit 
gives you utterance.  Obey Acts 2:38; read Acts 19.
Be ready; He's coming!


Thank you for visiting "God's blog," and I will 
be honored to pray with You for YOUR miracle!
Please leave your comments and please come back!
With the precious love of Jesus, Sheryl


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