Friday, July 6, 2018


"When the LORD thy God shall enlarge thy border,
as he promised thee..."
(Deuteronomy 12:20)

What does it mean for God to "enlarge our border?"  What does it mean "in earth as it is in heaven?"  How do we pray God's prayer?  What prayer is big enough to embrace HIS answer?  How do we exercise the scripture "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus?"  What if our prayers do not have the depth to agree consummately with God's prayers?  We need something called 'a border expansion,' or an expansion of "WORSHIP!"

Hey, we're dealing with the Creator of the universe here.  These are all valid and sincere questions, for we are but dust  ...

That's what we are, "dust."  We were formed of the dust of the earth; perhaps we must urge our souls to rise from the "dust" into the dimension above the dust  ... heaven.  The Will of heaven is "worship" continually  ...  perhaps Worship is the key to unlock earth's door of "no more delay."  Yes, we do praise the lover of our souls, our Lord Jesus Christ, and we worship Him in Spirit and in truth, but we "time it."  Everything we humans do in this life is scheduled, timed, cut short, abbreviated, and modified to suit our lifestyles  ... in earth  ...  Yes, we have to work, and take care of children, homes, etc., but what if  ...

We are about to find out!  Dear friends, we will experience "in earth as it is in heaven!"  We will leave the "dust" and soar in luminous clouds of glory;  we will expand our borders to include the portals beyond the mingled hues of the rainbow; we will tread where feathered angels abide; our souls will surge into the realms of unearthly light; we will step into the ethereal dimension of our Holy God; it will move us into the abode of the infinite mind of Christ  ...  a place of hallowed Holy's, scents of climbing vines of  rose gardens, and peripheral winged flashes of aura.  It will be the holiest dimension earth could ever enter  ...  Worship  ...

What does the God of all creation want more than anything?  Worship!  When we give Him what He wants and deserves, when earth cooperates with, and enters into agreement with, "heaven," things happen!  Worship literally means to love, admire, and respect someone excessively!  The key word there is "excessively!" 

The problem with "dust" is that we do a lot of things "excessively," such as drinking, partying, reveling, sin, lust, hatred, jealousy, strife, wars, etc. and etc., but do we Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, "excessively?"  We will  ...  and when we do  ...
Our borders are expanded when we leave ourselves behind and travel into far off territories  ...  It's the "leaving ourselves behind" that is most difficult.  Humans like to be in control, know where they're going, be the driver, stop and go when and if we want to, determine our destination, set our arrival and departure, but God wants to be the captain of our ship.  When we let go and let God  ...  we discover new worlds, new realms, new dimensions, new beauty, new glory, and newness in ourselves.  God's destinations are always beyond our comprehension, and better than anything we could ever dream up for ourselves.  His blessings far exceed our imaginations  ...

Lord, we're ready!  Take us into the unknown of Your glory; let the mind of Christ be in us; we are but dust, have mercy on our finite minds and lead us into the expansion of Your prayer; we come and surrender, O Lord; Do what You want to do; Be what You want to be  ...  In Us, we pray; let the enormity of Your prayer and Your answer be manifested in us, "in earth as it is in heaven."

Are you ready to be transported into the place where God dwells, the place of unlimited profound possibilities, atop the mountains of God's faith, beyond the billowing clouds of earth's vision, into the realms of glory, power, and Spirit, to a place where the answer exceeds the question, through the magnificent jeweled Gates of Spiritual realities   ...  to the place  that produces the expansion of dust's borders and causes an entrance into His secret place  ...  Take us there, Lord!

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
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You've come Home!  PromiseLand Church is Home; you can feel safe here; 
you can feel love here; you can feel accepted here; you can know God here!
We have lots of love to pour out on You!  Please send us your prayer needs, 
beloved, and if you would like to help us make the world a better place 
with the love of Jesus Christ, please give online @  
God bless you, and I know that He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
The place where Worship is not just a word!


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