Sunday, July 29, 2018

"In Remembrance"

"And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said,
Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you:
this do in remembrance of me."
(I Corinthians 11:2)

You gave Yourself upon the cross to rid the world of Sin and  
 shame; Your blood and flesh paid the debt
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the sacrifice You made to redeem
mankind that was forever doomed; we won't forget

We will remember, O Lord; we know that it should have been us
on that cross, but You took our place
You gave us hope, redemption, salvation, and a future; You settled 
the case with one sacrificial embrace

You did it for the world that You love without end, and You would
do it all over again, no matter the pain
It was the only answer for a fallen sinful creation, so our Creator
established forgiveness, for eternal life and reign

Now, the world can know Your love, Your Name, Your Blood, and
Your Word, and be born again in the Spirit
In death, there is victory, and Hell hath no sting for the
holy, filled, and sealed; they need never to fear it

You are God and there is no other; we have proof of Your
love, and Your compassion is signed with Your blood
It was sealed when You said, "It is Finished" and earth reacted
with quakes, thunders, and storms like a flood

 So, we do remember, precious Lord, with a cup and a wafer, 
 consuming the symbol of Your blood and body
It ever reminds us and judges us, as we repent of our sins, our 
 omissions, and all in us that is vile and ungodly

From children to soldiers, from Nation to Nation; we recall with
thankfulness the reason for our freedom
We were released by Your blood and Your flesh, and
we're  forgiven to partake of Your kingdom

You're the lover of our souls, Lord Jesus, the healer of our hearts, 
 and the omnipotent source of all deliverance
For this, Lord, we are so thankful; forever in every way, we kneel 
 and repent, taking communion "In Remembrance." 


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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am 
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~
Join us and take communion with us wherever you are!



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