"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
(Isaiah 65:24)
(Isaiah 65:24)
It happens in a sudden moment in time; no prayers have gone up
for a heavenly response from portals above
The obstacles that usually hinder, and the devil's ploys to delay,
are bypassed with an angelic hand, and a shove
What a moment it is when our answer arrives; especially since
it was never a plea, but it was answered in a flash
We are left gaping in awe at the miraculous event; It's like rain
falling in a spectacular sudden ethereal splash
Our God is never late; but this was different, we uttered not
a praying word, yet the answer interrupted time
It's like the precise movement of a clock, when the hour has come,
there's a mighty sound of victory with a chime
We look up with thanks from a heart full of love, to the One who
knows the silent desires of His beloved
He has bestowed His blessing upon us, and it flows down like a
gentle wafting breeze, clad in a velvet glove
It's a lesson for us to never underestimate our God, and to never
give up, for we belong to Him and He knows
give up, for we belong to Him and He knows
In all things He has our best in mind, and He will give, as we give
all of us to all of Him, as we bow and grow
The circle is complete when Creator and creation flow in a never
ending power, of our hands to His hands
And, it flows back and forth like the turning of an hourglass, with
the falling of its positioned obedient sands
Trust is our bond with the One who formed this "dust;" and we can
never calculate His love, and His gifts
We just have to learn to move with the cloud by day and the fire by
night, as the mind of our Maker ebbs and shifts
He leads us up the mountain, holds us in still waters, and woos us
to His hiding place, of love in His arms
We are forever awakened by His sweet whispers at dark, and His
comfort rendered by His omnipotent charms
Our Lily of the Valley leaves an aroma in our midst; when our
answer rests upon us, like a lingering mist
It's like God has touched us, and the world doesn't know our smile
is because we have been heaven kissed
It's a tryst between us and the Lover of our souls, an eternal pact
with the One, who is a covenant maker
He's our foundation of power, our Spirit of glory, our mighty
strong tower, and our Holy Ghost anchor
Nothing can separate us from our Lord and us; we're sealed by His
blood, confirmed by His Spirit, and His love
It's a holy cord not easily broken; only we ourselves can sever the
alliance; it's something the world knows not of
So, when the Lord sends that wind, that answers in an instant of
a non-prayed blessing, from heaven's halls
We can only bow in response to the One who said He would never
forsake us, and would answer "Before We Call!"
forsake us, and would answer "Before We Call!"
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)
Let Jesus Christ calm your stormy Seas! Place your life in His hands
and LIVE! He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and He
will give YOU Joy you've never known, peace like a river, and
He'll carry You through the storms of life!
and LIVE! He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and He
will give YOU Joy you've never known, peace like a river, and
He'll carry You through the storms of life!
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~
Do you want a blessing? Do you need a blessing?
It's a law of God that what we sow, we will also reap.
Please consider giving a love offering online @
promiselandchurch.net; the Lord will bless you!
We are a solid Church, taking the gospel all over the
world, with One head Pastor, One heart of Passion and
One heavenly Purpose! May the Lord answer your
prayers and pour you out a blessing you cannot contain!
Do you feel like you have no reason to live?
Jesus Christ wants You to LIVE! Suicide is NEVER
the answer; Come to Jesus Christ and let Him restore and
renew your life. You are precious to Him!
He wants YOU to LIVE!
the answer; Come to Jesus Christ and let Him restore and
renew your life. You are precious to Him!
He wants YOU to LIVE!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
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