Sunday, April 8, 2018


"And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery;
and when they had set her in the midst,  ...  So when they continued asking him,
he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him
first cast a stone at her.  Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.  And they
which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one,
 beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman
 standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the
woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man
condemned thee?  She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I
 condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
(John 8:3-11)

Jesus, writing on the ground
the sins of the people ready to
stone the woman taken in adultery

"Forgiveness" is one of the hardest things for anyone and everyone to master; the bottom line is: We all have need of it; that big thing called  forgiveness; we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  God saw good in this woman, when the people only saw her sin.  The people ready to throw the stones had to drop them, when Jesus began writing their own sins on the ground for everyone to see.  When we, ourselves, have been forgiven so much, why is it so hard for us to forgive others?  Is it pride; is it vengeance; do we somehow feel we have control when we hold on to hatred and grudges; does it accomplish anything when we refuse to forgive?  Oh yeah, it accomplishes something all right  ...  it hinders our relationship with God; it stops answered prayer; it can bring on disease (medical research has proven different diseases have a basis of guilt, unforgiveness, and other deep-seeded emotions), and it completely robs us of Joy.

We must forgive, because we have been, and forever are,"Forgiven."  We all were bad, born in sin and shapen in iniquity, but God saw the best in us.  Winning souls requires us to forgive others "before" we lead them to the cross  ...  to see their potential, to view them as blood-washed and buried in Jesus' name, before they ever get there.  The love of Jesus Christ shining through us to others is the impetus for soul-winning.        

"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else,
for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself,
because you who pass judgment do the same things."
(Romans 2:1)

Forgiving sets "us" free even more than the other person.  Huh?  There are times when we carry around bitterness, grudges, hatred, strife, and other treacherous emotions, when the other person is not even aware of it. So, who is it hurting?  You say, "You don't know what was done to me?"  Life has some really horrific things that happen to people, but the Lord didn't distinguish between small things and big things, between terror things and irksome things; He just said if we don't forgive others, He won't forgive us.
The Lord Jesus Christ forgives us, picks us up, carries us on, and loves us day by day; how much more should we forgive and love our brothers and sisters?  I didn't say it was easy, but it is surely required.  All we have to do is look at ourselves in the mirror, and we know that sometime in our lives we have hurt others; we have said or done things that require others to forgive us.  That's a hard thing to face, but if we could, we would all go back and do some things over; wouldn't we?  Age, trials, experiences, and growth in God give us knowledge that we wish we could have had when we were younger, or even just a few days ago  ...  What?  We're not perfect human beings, just "forgiven."  Repentance is a daily thing; as long as we abide in earth, we will hurt, be done wrong, gripe and receive gripes  ...  and "I'm sorry" is ever on our lips, isn't it?  Love IS having to say, "I'm sorry."  Those two little words could cure the whole world, could bring peace to Nations, could set governments straight, could heal a multitude of hearts  ... two "powerful" words  ...   

Are you having constant trouble in your life?  Do you battle with illnesses?  Do you seem to never get ahead, yet you are a Christian?  We have to face it  ... is there anyone we have not forgiven?  You say, "It was a parent, who is now deceased."  Go to the grave, or if that's not possible; kneel at an altar of God and speak it, "I forgive you, daddy, or mom, or whoever hurt you."  Jesus will hear it; you will hear yourself say it, and you will bring a release.  You say, "I just can't; you don't know; this was devastating to me."  Jesus knows, and if you ask Him for strength to do it, He will help you.  You may have to say it over and over; it may be a process, until you sense the release.  But, you will have a release if you do it.  A great heaviness will lift from you, when you forgive those who have hurt you.  It is a requirement of the Lord when we come to Him.  If we do not forgive others, He will not forgive us.  And, Jesus Christ is our example; what did He say about those who nailed Him to the cross, while He was yet hanging on the cross?  He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." 

"Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "See, you are
well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you."
(John 5:14)

You say, "Do these types of things really have anything to do with sickness?"  In the above scripture, the Lord had healed a man and later he saw him in the temple, and told him to stop sinning, or he could have worse trouble.  The Bible says if we know to do what is right and we do not do it, it is sin.  (James 4:17) Therefore, the Word says to forgive, and we know it says that, so if we don't do it, we are sinning.  It is the Lord's desire that we prosper and be in health, that we have hope and a future, that our ashes are turned into beauty, that we walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, that we are blessed coming in and going out  ...  that we live in peace  ...  It's simple; OBEY the Lover of our souls; OBEY the Holy Bible; OBEY the commandments; OBEY and Live!

Let it go!  It's not worth losing your health, your wealth, your peace, your joy, and you will feel free as a bird.  It's tough to fly if our wings are broken  ...  Our wings are the principles of our faith, our obedience to the Word hidden in our hearts, and the armor that helps us stand and then succeed in war with the enemy.  If any part of that is failing, we have broken wings, so to speak.  Sin, in any way, shape or form, robs us of everything God has for us.  Come out of the dark dungeon and into the light; give it all up to Jesus; write letters, make calls, visit a grave, or just do something to let that person know you forgive them, even if they do not accept it  ...  you are released.  Then, come unto Jesus, and let Him brighten your world for the first time in a long time.  Do it, today  ...

We forgive for one main reason:
WE are "Forgiven."

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Jesus Christ still forgives Sin!  Repent, be filled with His Spirit, 
baptized in His name, and ready  ... He's coming back!


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