Monday, July 22, 2019

"When God Hovers"

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even
the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
(Matthew 24:36)

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command,
with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the
 dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, we who are still alive and are left will
be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
 And so we will be with the Lord forever."
(I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

No other human being has ever been here before.  There are no books to describe it, except the Holy Bible.  Nobody can tell us what to expect, how to prepare, what our attitude should be, when it will occur, or what it will look like  ...  other than Almighty God, through His Word  ...  the Bible.  "What are you talking about?" you ask.  The "catching away" of the Bride of Christ.  It will be a mighty monumental event that astounds the world  ...  or at least, those left behind  ...  And, you don't want to be one of those!  You want to be one ready, one with your lamp full of "oil," or the Holy Ghost, one looking up and expecting, one listening for the trumpet sound, one ready to be Raptured!

The Lord Jesus Christ will remove the righteous from the earth before He pours out judgment on the ungodly, and those who did not receive Him.  The Lord created the earth and He has the right to judge the earth  ...  in 1/42nd of a second, the Church and Bride, the Holy Ghost filled and baptized in Jesus' name, will be "caught up" together with the Lord in the clouds  ...  earth will be left in chaos, crashed cars, trains, planes, and buses; empty clothes, empty shoes, vehicles with no drivers, dogs with a leash but no owner  ...  GONE! You say, "We've heard about that for years."  Uh huh, and you'll keep hearing it  ...  until it happens!  It WILL happen!  All has been fulfilled up to Ezekiel 38 and 39, and the Rapture of the Church.  The Bible is true; the Lord keeps His promises; the Church is ready; Spirit is falling upon all flesh; and Jesus Christ is coming!

What do you do when the presence of the Lord is so strong, all you can do is bow in His Holy presence?  It has happened many times in services at PromiseLand Church.  It's like a misty cloud of glory hovering; we feel the presence of Almighty God and the brush of angels' wings.  It's a holy hush so sacred that no one can move; the altar suddenly fills up spontaneously; tears begin to flow uninhibited; people are speaking in tongues in the Spirit in whispered response; there's a holy aura so thick that visitors don't know what to do except weep; every movement seems out of place, yet people don't know what to do except yield to the beauty and ecstasy of that feeling  ...  it is as though God Himself is walking the aisles, touching every one; and most assuredly there are multitudes of angels filling every space.  What does this mean when the Holy God of the universe visits?  It means we must repent, remove our shoes, bow our faces, cleanse our hearts, and realize we're on Holy ground  ...  It's as though your entire soul is laid open for all to see, so vulnerable are we in His holy presence  ...  He sees all, knows all, IS all, and we are but "dust;" it becomes clear in His Holy essence that is surrounding, enfolding, and caressing us  ...  "in earth as it is in heaven"  ...

We have come to the time when we must be ready; we know not the hour or the day when He will come, but He's coming.  How do we know?  His close presence over His people, He's waking His saints in the middle of the night more and more  ...  to talk  ...  He's nudging us to come closer to Him; He's giving us a hunger for Him like never before; He's sending a whisper through the winds of earthly turmoil that's saying, "Be ready; I'm coming; fill your lamps with oil; I'm coming!"

The Bible says in the last days there will be scoffers saying, "What is the sign of His coming?"  I have three words for you scoffers, and if you are scoffing, you probably know it, and probably won't sense it.  It's very simple, you see "the sign of His coming is: "When God Hovers."

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am 
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayer needs, and you may 
give online @  We
are an established world-changing Church 
of over 50 years, with One head Pastor, One 
heart of Passion, and One Purpose!  
Bless you, and I know He will!



PromiseLand Church worships Jesus Christ!
He's coming back  ...  very soon! 


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