Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Proverbs 29:18

There are many aspects of the word "Vision."  Definitions are: eyesight, a mental picture or image, something seen in a dream or trance which can have prophetic significance, and an image of something beautiful can be called a "vision."  Barnes' Notes states, "The darkest time in the history of Israel had been when there 'was no open vision' (1 Samuel 3:1); at such a time the people 'perish,' are let loose, "are left to run wild."  Clarke's commentary says it like this, "Where Divine revelation, and the faithful teaching of the sacred testimonies, are neither reverenced or attended, the ruin of that land is at no great distance."  To put it simply, "You in for disaster, if you got no Vision!" 

                                                             "And at his appointed season he brought his
word to light through the preaching entrusted
to me by the command of God our Savior."
(Titus 1:3)

Where there is no vision, "or prophecy," (as some commentaries state is the meaning of the word here) the people perish.  People today, must hear, "Thus saith the Lord," in the context of truth and Spirit.  Pulpits today must have an anointed, Holy Ghost filled Preacher with "Vision."  Vision is more than just seeing the world around us, it is "seeing the World around us," literally! 

The Lord Jesus Christ came to save "All;" that includes the entire World.  We have reached a time in the prophetic seasons of God where America is being pushed to a "World Vision" as never ever before.  It's because we're running out of time.  Prophecy has moved to the forefront in ministry, because the countdown has begun; the hooves are pawing the ground; the Angels are lining up with their vials  ...  the pulpit's Vision must beat the clock of the return of Moses and Elijah ... the last numbered soul is about to be filled, and the door is about to be shut ... The Vision must speed up!

                                                        "By them is your servant warned; in keeping them
there is great reward."  (Psalm 19:11)

In keeping the laws of God, we are warned.  "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?"  Herein arrives that word "Vision!"  It takes one with Vision, wrapped in prophecy, dripping with anointing, dreaming of a lost world, visualizing a world outpouring, running with the horses, and called to raise the staff over the "Seas," to shake and awake a people who know not what lies ahead.

You've heard the old saying, "Get your head out of the clouds!"  I beg to differ ... it floats in clouds of wonder; it resides in the depths and heights of heaven's Glory; it is the remnant of God's Spirit pouring into a searching hungry soul; it is the ethereal stirrings forced by the ticking of prophecy's clock; it is the clarity of the infinite mind of God; it is VISION!

                                                                                                                             By Sheryl Fowler
                                                           (Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.
                 PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

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