Sunday, June 12, 2011

Matthew 27:51

"Beyond The Veil"

The Lord Jesus Christ cried with a loud voice,
and breathed His last breath
The temple veil was rent; and the earth shook;
the rocks split; it was no common death
It was finished; God in the flesh fulfilled His
mission for all mankind
He bled and He died for His creation He loved;
given at a planned season and time
He rose the third day, and is alive to complete
the rest of the story
To bring His creation into the Holy of Holies, 
to experience His Glory
The veil was torn to let us in to that most
honored and sacred place
Where we're filled with His Spirit, and we can 
almost touch His omnipotent face
The old testament patriarchs could not enter 
that Holy ground
Only the Priests had access, and the people 
listened for the bells' sound
If the Priest had no sin, the bells on his robe
continued to toll
And the people all knew that he would remain
a viable and living soul
Now the Lord welcomes all Nations, and all
people who hunger
To come unto Him; be filled with His Spirit, 
and experience the wonder
The Lord ripped the curtain, making a way for His
children in every detail
To abide with Him in His Spirit, and partake of
the Glory, that dwelt "Beyond The Veil."

                                                             By Sheryl Fowler

                                                (Visit and
                                          PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

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