Friday, May 20, 2011

"ISRAEL, My Beloved"

"ISRAEL, My Beloved"

ISRAEL, My Beloved; I formed you from the aura
of My own intellect
I had you in mind before the universe and galaxies
were images to select
Jerusalem, My Love; I saw you before you were
formed, and created
Zechariah called you a City of Truth, a statement of
honor and not overstated
You are the “apple of my eye,” the chosen of the
earth, My beloved
I will come back to you and redeem you; you’re
ever watched from above
My Holy City, the center of the earth, and the focus
of the world’s rage
Rest in My arms, dear one; I have strategies to protect
you, that no one can gauge
I’m coming back, to stand on your Mount, and
declare your sovereignty
I’ll raise you in Glory, and beauty so fair; there
is no one who won't see
What I saw in you before the creation of all, and
the beginning of ages visceral
My heritage Nation, a people deemed My own,
O’ My Beloved Israel.

                                                                                                                               By Sheryl Fowler

                                                    (Visit and
                                               PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

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