Friday, March 16, 2018

"Passion's Flame!"

"For the LORD your God is a consuming 
fire, a jealous God."
(Deuteronomy 4:24)

We, with the Holy Ghost, must SEE with Passion, feel with Passion, move in the Spirit with Passion, serve Jesus Christ with Passion!  Passion, in part, is defined as "intense emotion or enthusiasm."  We serve a Holy God who answers in a Holy way  ...  by FIRE!  Fire is consuming, purifying, brilliance of light, and it is indicative of strong burning feelings.  God wants to be first in our lives, not shared with any other thing or any other one; He must be first; He is a jealous God.  In the old Testament, The Holy God always showed His acceptance of sacrifices with Fire; it was a rain of hot glory falling from the heart of The One who invented FIRE; it was the passionate expression of pleasure from the Holy One, Himself, it was "Passion's Flame."

God answers by Fire to Elijah's call

It's interesting, isn't it, that the God of the universe chose FIRE as a means to accept sacrifices.  He could have used rain, wind, clouds, blinding light, or any other number of elements at His disposal; and which by the way, He did and does use all the time.  But, for the acceptance of sacrifice and to show His approval, He used FIRE, and when accepting a soul, He uses the fire of the Holy Ghost, a description of His all-consuming infilling Spirit. A study of the subject of the fire of God with, John W. Ritenbaugh, states it like this:

"..Fire is hot, and it is both positive and negative.
It symbolizes both refining and purifying, on the
one hand, and death and destruction on the
other.  The pattern is in the way God depicts His
feelings toward us.  As a consuming fire, He will
either purify or destroy with His passion.  He is
either for something with a great deal of ardor,
or He is against something with a great deal of
fury.  He is for those who are with Him, and He
is loyal to the nth degree to them.  But He is
against sin and disloyalty with just as much heat
as He is for those who love Him and diligently
seek Him.  His attitude is not cool in any way,
shape or form, but hot.  He wants us to respond
in like manner."

Herein is the reason for the scripture referring to the church at Laodicea, the church age in which we are currently living, "So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth."  (Revelation 3:16)  Pretty strong!  We serve a God who is not wishy-washy; He is a staunch proponent of right or wrong, cold or hot, sin or righteousness, holy or unholy, heaven or hell, saved or unsaved  ... It's a side of Almighty God that we don't think about, but, remember when He threw out the money changers?

You say, "Well, there should be a little room for a gray area in there somewhere."  Why?  People do better when they have plain, clear cut instructions.  There will be no excuses in heaven; "Jesus" is a name every nation, kindred and tongue can speak; asking for forgiveness of our sins is easy to understand; baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is not hard to do and comprehend; and asking Him to fill us with His Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is a simple request.  It all translates to "Hot," not cold.  It is flames of passion living in a human soul, in love with his/her Creator, and serving Him in the FIRE of His Glory!  No wonder the Spirit of God is called the Holy  Ghost and Fire; it's Fire shut up in our bones!  When you receive it, you'll know  ...

FIRE always gets our attention, whether it's burning in a roar in a hearth, falling out of a vast heaven upon a hungry soul speaking in a language he never learned, or a meteor shooting across tthe black night skies. Fire is a passionate element, consuming everything in its wake, licking up every bit of surrounding it touches, blinding and looming over its prey like a fearsome blanket of power.  And, that, it is!  POWER!  The Holy Ghost is a fiery Power that fills your spirit and soul in a mighty sweep of heavenly aura; it infiltrates your being with love, clarity, joy, and knowledge all at the same time.  Suddenly, the trees are greener; the sky is bluer; the vividness of creation all around you is stunning, and immediately you know why you were born, why you exist, why you are you  ...  it's because of Him, Jesus Christ, The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, Almighty God! 

The Year 2018 is a time of prayer and War for Joel 2:28 to be manifested, the pouring out of God's Spirit upon all flesh, the gospel preached in all the world for a witness, the call of all humanity to the foot of the cross, the surrender of mankind to its Creator, a wholesale yielding of hearts and minds to the soon-coming King  ...  a Year of Power, Glory, Wonder, Miracles, Signs, Spirit, Revival, Awakening, and FIRE!

It will be seen all around the world, in every nation, and by every kindred and tongue; it will light up the skies of a hungry globe; the light will bring warmth and love to searching souls; it will consume the sin and transform it into Holy redemption; it has a sound of a crackling sizzling FIRE; it comes from the heart of a longing yearning God for the love of His creation and His intense Hot desire to save the dust He formed into man; it's the heartbeat of the One calling for the trumpets; it's a FIRE that burns for all eternity in the very essence of Holiness, the Lord Jesus Christ, it's a Flame of Passion from a timeless fiery God, it's a Fire seen in the EYES of those filled with that "Fiery God's Spirit," and it's an engagement ring of Fire for the Bride of Christ, the Church, as she marches in UNITY, starting Fires of the gospel of Jesus Christ with Fires of the Holy Ghost, all around the world  ...  Well, say it, "Maranatha, Lord Jesus!"

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
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God Bless you, and we pray for you as you pray for us!
It's time to put a walk to our talk; it's time to War in the Spirit like we 
never have, witness to others like we never have, and give like 
we never have.  If you would like to sow seed into holy blessed
ground, you may give online @  
The Lord Jesus Christ will surely bless you!

Please join us for our wonderful Easter presentations!


Coming to PromiseLand:  Michael W. Smith!


PromiseLand Church!
We have a Passion for Jesus Christ, a Passion 
to reach the world, a Passion in prayer, a 
Passion to loose Angels and bind devils; it's 
a Passion from the very heart of God!


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