Tuesday, May 21, 2019

"Night Vision"

"For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face: now I know in part;
but then shall I know even as also I am known."
(I Corinthians 13:12)

We must keep perspective in this time of a shaking world, a shaking economy, a shaking of spiritual things and End time prophecy.  We must remember that this is not all there is.  As my Pastor has said many times; we only see half of the rainbow here; over there we will see the other half.  We will know all the answers by and by; we'll know the why's and the wherefores; we'll understand the Master's plan.  So, in this End time of severe and harsh uncertainty regarding everything in our lives, we must be able to see through the night, beyond the night; we must see through the eyes of God; we must see with the mind of Christ; we must have "Night Vision."

Barnes' Notes states, "Darkly - 'In a riddle.'  The word means a riddle; an enigma; then an obscure intimation. In a riddle, a statement is made with some resemblance to the truth; a puzzling question is proposed, and the solution is left to conjecture. Hence, it means, as here, obscurely, darkly, imperfectly .... The ancient Egyptian mirrors were dark and difficult to have a clear reflected image.  Compared with heaven, our knowledge here much resembles the obscure intimations in an enigma compared with clear statement and manifest truth."  The Bible is our truth to help us make it through, to help us endure to the end  ...  We are given clarity of many things, such as the Rapture of the Church, the great and terrible Tribulation period, the millennium which is the thousand years of peace.  But, even those things, we don't know some of the fine and intricate details; that's why we walk by faith.  Faith is seeing through a "glass darkly."

"And after my skin has been destroyed,
yet in my flesh I will see God;"
(Job 19:26)

We know the story of Job's suffering; his children were all killed, his servants, his cattle and herds, and then from head to foot, he broke out in terrible boils  ...  And, here he sat, while his wife said, "Curse God and die."  But, Job told her that she spoke as a foolish woman, and in his nine months of suffering, he did not charge Almighty God foolishly, not one time.  He kept his perspective  ... He realized what we must understand, that after this skin of ours, this flesh we are in, dies, we shall live on in the spirit with our God.  We shall behold Him in the Glory of His throne and where He is, we will be also!  Hallelujah!  Matthew Henry's commentary says it beautifully:

"With what pleasure holy Job enlarges upon this! May these faithful sayings be
engraved by the Holy Spirit upon our hearts. We are all concerned to see that the
root of the matter be in us. A living, quickening, commanding principle of grace
in the heart, is the root of the matter; as necessary to our religion as the root of the
 tree, to which it owes both its fixedness and its fruitfulness. Job and his friends
differed concerning the methods of Providence, but they agreed in the root of the
 matter, the belief of another world."

It may be dark in our current world, and we have so many things that are on our horizon, one-world currency, one-world government, and the constant threat of terrorism, but if we have Vision, if we can stand on the Word of God and what He has promised, while the tears stream down our faces, if we can just be like Job, and say, "In my flesh, I shall see God."  You say, "What did Job mean by that, because his flesh was being eaten away, and when we die, our flesh will decay from the body?"  He meant that "from his renewed body," as the starting point of vision, because we will have a NEW body in heaven, and in our new body, our new immortal body, we shall see God.

We see in part and we know in part now, but it will all make sense by and by.  The trials, the deserts, the brooks, the waiting, the sufferings, the heartaches  ... they will all have a final answer when we are able to see clearly  ...  when we get to the other side.  We will see the four and twenty elders, the throne of God, the Angels who guarded us and protected us day by day, our loved ones who went before us, the River of Life, the golden streets, the walls of jasper and the gates of pearl; but, before all that, we will head straight for the Holy One who whispered sweet nothings into our ears, who held us in His arms through the storms and trials, who watched us sleep and hovered with an aura of safety over us and our families, who lifted us up and filled us with His Spirit, who washed us clean with His blood shed for all mankind in waters of baptism in His name  ... and we will fall at His feet in worship to the One we so longed to see  ...  our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ! 

We shall behold Him, our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, our soon coming King, Jesus Christ, and we shall see Him face to face.  Hallelujah!  Hold on children, just a little bit longer, stand strong in the faith, win every soul you see, remember you're the Bride of Christ, and be sure to hold tight to that holy and mighty "Night Vision."

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am 
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~

You don't want to miss a single service in this year!  
Miracles, signs, wonders, and Glory are coming down!
Please send us your prayer needs, and if you would like 
to sow seed into holy fertile ground, you may give online
@ promiselandchurch.net.  God bless you,
and I know that He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
God's focus: The Jews, The Gentiles & The Church!
We're cooperating with God's focus!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}

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