Thursday, January 4, 2018

"Don't Play With Snakes!"


"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able
 to stand against the wiles of the devil."
(Ephesians 6:11)

We're in the fight of our lives, and the war for our souls, as time grows short, and the Word of prophecy unfolds. Fight on, O ye warriors of truth, your role is important, and your witness will loose all those in blindfolds.  It's not a battle for sissies; satan is on the prowl for the weak and the fence dwellers, so let your Yea be Yea.  For the end is near; the trumpet will sound; the horses will ride; we're set for the course of Doomsday.

Don't bow to the world or yield to temptation, because the clock is
 ticking down, and the Nations are lining up
It's now time for radical faith, extravagant consecration, holy
 conversation, and unlimited worship

Hold fast to your sword, kick the devil in the teeth, and stand for what's right, for redemption draweth nigh.  We're about to hear the sound calling us in the blink of an eye; we'll leave earth's dust, and to the Lord we'll fly.  It's a promise of escape for the righteous and beloved, to meet our Groom in the air, and head for home. We'll bid this old world goodbye with a swoosh and a flash; it will be the Rapture, and a hastened shalom.

So, don't you be weary, dear Saint, for we can feel the ground
 trembling, as the horses hooves are pawing
Revelation's words are anxious, as prophecy feels its destiny, and
 the earth's honest hearted feel a drawing

The Word will be fulfilled with the onset of millions missing, and the antichrist's arrival, with a message of peace.  He'll be charismatic and magnetic, but all the while he's plotting evil and destruction; he's the epitome of a beast.  Don't get left behind, whatever you do, dear one; repent and be baptized in Jesus' name; be filled with His Spirit.  Then, you can fight this war with confidence that the Lord will remove you before judgment; you won't fear it.

When the war gets hot, use your authority in the name of Jesus, to
 loose the warring angels, and bind the evil
For we are the Lord's army; we're strong in the power of His
 might; we're not in the least feeble

Remember, God's angels fight with us, and we cannot lose, for it is written, we do not get more than we can bear.  We're the chosen of the Lord, and if He says so, the devil can't touch us or harm us, not even a hair.  Fight on, children of the King; we're in this to win it, and we'll bring in the harvest, for the Gospel's sake.  We will triumph in power and victory; we ain't no ways tired; for WE are the Warriors of the faith.

We're armed and ready to fight in a moment's notice; clad in gear
 that the devil can't penetrate in the spar
It's the New Church Order on the move in UNITY of One; we're
 God's best and His last; we're armed for War

The Lord sets up and tears down; it's a chess board of players in the Lord's hand.  He has the authority; He's bared His arm, and a Host of angels are at His command.  The King is way ahead in the moves of the end times; He's a chess Master like no other, with wisdom as His forte and ploy.  He's forcing the plays and moving the pieces like putty in His hand and unsuspecting manipulative toys.

We have lived to see the the final countdown to Revelation's
 prophecy of the end of the Age
The world and its New World Order are a plot of God to bring
 His Word to the spotlight on stage

Stand strong ye saints of Almighty God, and walk in the Spirit, for
 time is winding down and is now short  
Give your all to the Lord and to His Harvest for the lost sheep of
 His fold, your "Well done" report

Look up for your redemption draweth nigh; the Lord is coming
 like a thief, so be alert and stay awake 
It will happen in 1/44th of a second; maybe in a time of blessing;
discern evil, and "Don't Play With Snakes!"

JESUS is coming soon!

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
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Please send your prayer requests, and help us, 
won't you, with a generous love offering @  We reap what we sow; 
you will be sowing in solid ground, PromiseLand 
Church has been winning Wars for 50 years with 
Passion and purpose all over the world from 
  One head Pastor, One Heart of Passion, and One Vision!
God will bless You; Thank You!



PromiseLand Church! 
We're telling the Nations that He's coming  ...  
"Don't Play With Snakes!"


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