Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"Glory Coming Down!"

"They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, 
and talk of thy power."
(Psalm 145:11)

Who raises the dead with the Word of His mouth and a thought, 

a power not believed if not seen with the eyes?
Can a soul come alive from the grave, just by a spoken order, from
One whose dwelling place is beyond the skies?
Who reigns above the earth with Power, honor, and the beauty of
 holiness, in the portals of ethereal majesty?
Who draws the reaching soul up to crags in auras of the unknown,
 veiling our blinded eyes, lest we see?
Does He search for the hungry, the bowed and the wholly given, to
 set that one apart for higher domains?
Is it a private place reserved for the visionary, the dreamer, the
 one between the pew and the altar, with birth pains?
Will he find His Moses, His Daniel, His Esther, His Paul, in this
 hour of pleasure and unbridled flesh?
Does Almighty God need a revival of His own in an outpouring of
 His Spirit, falling on His "dust" afresh?
Can a God, who has planned the prophecy in omnipotent detail,
 depend on His creation to unite in fulfillment?
Or, will those chosen ones hide their gifts and heaven sent light
 under Laodicean bushels of concealment?
What will MOVE God's creation, so fearfully and wonderfully
 made in His image, and His likeness?
Will the time and the season stir mankind to leave satan behind,
 and board the waiting train of rightness?
How can a pacing God gather His sheep in this Noah's day of
 folly, disrespect of God's commandments, and Sin?
Can His Bride shake earth with her MOVE of miracles, signs and
 wonders, to cause all to look up and ask, "When?"
Are the wedding garments ready, hope chests filled, and the lamps
 oiled and filled, for that blinking departure?
Has the Church anticipated the flight, and prepared enough, like
 a standing, strong, warring, and ready archer?
When will our Beloved come, and whisk us away from this place
 not our home, to the throne of our King and Lord?
Can we hold our positions and battle to the end, with our armor
 intact, and our flashing gleaming swords?
Why doesn't the Lord's bride, that dwells worldwide, discard her
weariness, her pains, her woes, and frowns?
What is stopping her from rejoicing, with all of her might; if she
  looks up, she'll see "Glory Coming Down!"

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)


PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Bless you; please send your prayer needs and 
if you would like to give us a love offering, 
please go to promiselandchurch.net and give 
online.  We're One head Pastor, One heart of 
Passion, and One World Purpose, for over 50 years, 
loving You!  God will bless you for sure!


PromiseLand Church!
It's all about Jesus Christ and YOU!  Wherever 
you are in the world, whomever you are; we LOVE You!
We're praying down the Glory for You!


Thank you for visiting what I call 
"God's blog;" please leave your 
comments at the end of this post. 
I would be honored to pray with 
you for YOUR Miracle!
Please come back!
May the Lord hold you in His arms!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}

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