Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"Destination ... GLORY!"

The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, 
and I will give you the tablets of stone with the law and 
commandments I have written for their instruction.”
(Exodus 24:12)

We're soldiers on a mission for the King of Kings and Lord of
 Lords; we're armed and equipped for the tour
It's a War to the finish for the world bought by Jesus on the
 cross; we are more than hearers, we are doers
The Lord told Moses to "Come up to me on the mountain;" and He
 still beckons His own to come up to Him
We climb and we conquer, as we march as One to complete the
 task; it's not about us, but about Him and them
It's not for sissies, this War against evil, and this taking of the
 mountain; it's for the bold mighty Winners
We never give up; we'll fight to the finish with our goal as our
 vision, saving souls and the lost sinners
It's a quest for the Miracles, the Mountain, the Money, and the 
 Harvest, an end time prophetic assignment
Time is short; it must be done with precision, purpose and passion
 by God's own; we're agents on consignment
Look at the focused stare of God's army in cadence; we're on the
 move to take the spoils, to lay at His feet
We do it, because He did it for us; we remember His death, the
 torn curtain in the temple, and the mercy seat
Our orders are clear, and "Go ye" resonates in our ears from
  morn to noon, as we forge on and  we climb
We're not tired, even though the trek gets tough, but we're soldiers
 for the One who died for us in His prime 
It's for such a time as this that we were born into the kingdom, and
 it's time to put up or shut up, and walk the walk
Our swords must be polished and our armor intact; we're more
  than just believers; we're His army who talk the talk
In the evening time, there is light, and we know the dark surrounds
 us, but we are covered by warriors in the sky
They're the hosts of angels whose duties never cease; they're
 protecting us for the day, when with them, we'll fly
Fight on, weary soldiers of the Most High God; we'll take that
  mountain, and we'll stand upon the crest
We have the promises of Abraham, and the arm of the Lord, so
  we'll gather the Harvest, the money and the rest
We war for the One who's already won, so we've read the back of
  the Book, and we know the end of the story
The honest-hearted will fill the Harvest, the wealth of the wicked
 and miracles are here; it's "Destination ... GLORY!"

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)


PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayer needs, and if you 
would like to sow seed in holy good and fertile
ground, please give your love offering @
promiselandchurch.net.  Thank you, and 
may God richly bless you; I know He will!



PromiseLand Church!
For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator} 

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