Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Where Two Seas Meet"

"And falling into a place where two seas met, they 
ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and 
remained unmovable, but the hinder part was 
broken with the violence of the waves."
(Acts 27:41)

Biblical Seas are symbolic of "unorganized masses of people," 
but the Lord seeks to UNITE the Seas to be One
It is the last hour push for His Bride, His Church, to come 
together until the Harvest in earth is done
We are all scattered amid the waves and broken apart with 
divisions, unless we unite in JESUS, our solid ground
He's the constant in our beliefs as Christians, so we take the hand 
of our brothers and sisters, til the trumpet sounds
And, in our foundation of Jesus Christ, we are unmovable as we
 climb the cleft of The Rock, and do our duty
We're called and chosen to gather the sheep in the fields so white,
 and bring them to the cross of salvation, and beauty
We hear the call loud and clear in the last hour of end times; with
 each new headline, and rumor of another war
We must hold fast, hand in hand, standing firm in the gospel and
keeping our weary eyes staid on the Morning Star
It's not easy to agree about all things in Christ, but His love makes
 us able to see the big picture, and His Vision
So, we bond in the fellowship of the Lord, creating a cord that
 cannot be broken, and an army ready for missions
We're all climbing the same mountain, headed for the apex of
 Glory, obtained first at the foot of the cross
Then, we scale that mountain in search of Glory to Glory, as we all
 seek His face, and wrap arms around the lost
His Church is God's answer for the tears He's wept for His world,
and He's left it in our hands to do His bidding
He said His Word would be preached and published in all the
 world for a witness, and He's not kidding
The end is looming before us with each Prophecy fulfilled, and the
 consummation of Spirit upon all flesh
Knowing this, we must hurry in our endeavors to bring in the
 sheaves, and do it together, as we mesh
As One, nothing is impossible to us, so the Church marches in
 cadence, with God's Love as our bond
We stand and we pray, with our strength growing day by day, in
 the auspices of God's orders; we will respond
Our enemy is not our brother in Christ, but the devil who's nervous
 about the joining, and the move in God's love
Oh, the devil's not bothered, until we fulfill the assignment to
 surround him with One, and power from above
Then, he's frantic and roaring, on the prowl for all he can devour, 
 but the Lord's gone before us; it's easy to supply One
For we're moving as a coordinated step, and our debates have
been covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ
We're the soldiers on the last lap, shoulder to shoulder with no
  gaps; we were all bought with a price
"Fight on" is our battle cry, as we reach for our brother's hand, 
 and we obey the strategy of the Mercy seat
We're standing firm in our Lord, and the Lover of our souls, as we
link arms in the quest for "Where Two Seas Meet."

(Visit and

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He's bringing people together for the last Harvest!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services on Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Please submit your prayers to
Your cares are our Prayers!

Please consider giving online at
to help us reach the world with the gospel of our 
Lord Jesus Christ!  This ministry has been ongoing for
over 45 years, with One Pastor and One Vision!
Dear one, you will be greatly blessed!


Pastor Phillips and Karen Phillips
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for their Miracles! 


{Special thanks to}

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