Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Thou Art Holy"

Holy is our cry, as we bow in obeisance, to the One who reigns in 
 Glory, the One who rules with power and wonders
He owns the heavens, and proves with winds of authority, and the
 sights and sounds of lightnings and thunder
Holy, Holy, Holy, rises to His ears in our humble surrender to the
Lover of our souls, the great I AM
We are between His face and His fury in this time of "Noah," and
 we see the Lion emerge from the Lamb
Maranatha! is our shout as we gaze into the heavens, urging our
 God to come like a thief, and give us flight
His light is burning bright in the glow of His bride, but she longs
 for her groom in the wee hours of night
"Come, my beloved," is her ever yearning plea; blow the trumpet
 and gather me in Your arms so strong
But, the groom bares His arm; Isaiah 52 and 10 states His stance;
 He's showing the Nations to whom they belong
There's war in the heavens and war in the earth, for the final
 battle to Harvest the beloved of their God
It's a moving in the Spirit, a feeling like never before, this
 Euroclydon surge, that to the lost seems so odd 
Oh, stand and watch, ye laodicean world, for the hour has come
 for Spirit upon all flesh and exploits untold
You are in the middle of white fields and the reapers are coming,
so get ready for the brilliance of God to unfold
Destiny has arrived for prophecy to speak, and the mountains and
 the valleys will look for a place to hide
The Lion of Judah has given the final call to all those who wish to
 escape Tribulation, and would prefer to ride
It's a Rapture call to one and all, a nudge that bows the knee, and
 brings forth tears of sorrow, and repentance
No one is exempt; either we're ready to fly in the night sky, or we
 suffer Tribulation with judgment and vengeance
Evil has a final date with Jesus Christ, but first He'll remove His
 redeemed, and we'll be with Him ever and always
He says to repent and be filled with His Spirit, with tongues of His
 utterance; and be baptized in Jesus' name today
For we know not the hour when our Lord will come; we just know
 we feel His closeness; it's soon and very soon
Yield to the Holy One who looks for honest hearts, and be ready in
 the morning, at night, or at noon
The whispers are getting louder and time is running out; call to
 Your Creator; He's ready, your sins to pardon
He's prepared a place for You; it's streets of gold, walls of jasper,
 gates of pearl; it's greater than Eden's garden
Do you hear Him call your name in the darkness of the night?
  Give him your life, and come to Him boldly
He's the Lily of your valley, and your bright and morning star; to
 know Him is to love Him; you'll sing "Thou Art Holy."


(Visit and

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He knows the HOLY ONE!  
He just announced he is "cancer free!"
Hallelujah to God!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Please send your prayer requests and love offerings 
to  PromiseLand has been 
soaring with the angels of God for over 45 years, 
with One Pastor, One Passion, and One Purpose!
God Bless you, dear one, and I know He will!

Karen Phillips
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for her Miracle!
We Believe!

Pastor Randy Phillips
Wednesday @ 7:15 pm in Word and Worship
You don't want to miss it!


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