Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"The Quill of Utterance"

"The Quill of Utterance"

"My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the
things which I have made touching the king: my tongue
is the pen of a ready writer."
(Psalm 45:1)

One translation says, "My heart is gushing a good matter..."  King David, the Psalmist, "gushed" an abundance of good things.  His lonely heart, out in the pasture, brought forth the greatest of words ever uttered; his tongue was the pen writing eloquence to be treasured until the end of time; his tongue wrote the words carried by moonlight breezes through the corridors of space to the throne room of God; his tongue was "The Quill of Utterance." 

What is in the heart of a person?  The Bible states, "... for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Matthew 12:34)  If we want to know what a person is all about, we listen to what they say.  Then, to further verify; do their words line up with their actions, "for by their fruits, we shall know them." 

Out of the heart of David came beauty, glory, justice, power, honor, and the list goes on and on.  No wonder God loved David; his tongue was the quilled utterance of God's own heart.  The depth and beauty of a soul are manifested in words spoken, words written, words created, words magnificently manipulated, words voiced by a sanctified tongue.

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a
rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they
were sitting.  And there appeared unto them cloven tongues
like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.  And they were
all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
(Acts 2:2-4)

How does one sanctify his/her own tongue?  You give it to God; you let God take possession, by being filled with the Holy Ghost.  The tongue is the most wicked and evil member of the body, and it corrupts the whole person. (James 3:6)  It is for this reason that we must be filled with the Spirit of God and speak in tongues.  When the Lord fills you with His Spirit, and you speak in a language you never learned, the Lord has taken possession of the most evil member of the body, and He has sanctified it by His Spirit.  It's absolutely the most powerful, glorious, marvelous, beautiful, incredible experience in all of life, and 580 million people all over the world have already been filled!  So can YOU!

David could not experience this, because the Lord Jesus Christ had not come yet, had not died on the cross, had not rose again, and had not sent back His Spirit as He promised, the Holy Ghost.  David, and all the writers of the old testament, were "moved on" by the Spirit of God; however, they were not "filled with" the Spirit of God.

"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed
and sang praises unto God, and the
prisoners heard them."
(Acts 16:25)

Let your tongue write the course of your life!  Huh?  That's what Paul and Silas did; they were beaten and thrown into prison, and here they are singing.  Paul and Silas were full of the Holy Ghost, and they spoke with tongues.  The first thing we must do is be filled with the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues as the Spirit of God gives us utterance, and then  ...  then, we can sing in any and all situations.  Why?  Because, then, we know this life is not all there is; the Lord will sustain us; down here He's with us and up there, we'll be with Him, so either way, WE WIN!  Hey, pardon me, I have to go shout a while  ...

I'm back.  Ah, the Holy Ghost is Joy unspeakable and full of glory!  With the Spirit of Almighty God living in us, we can do, can conquer, can succeed, can overcome, can endure  ... anything!  Why don't You let your tongue do some writing, and chart your life with peace, with Joy, with assurance that no matter what happens  ...  when you're filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ, you are in Him and He is in you, and "ain't nothing gonna' get ya' down in this world."  

You say, "I have the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, but I'm going through a terrible time in my life, and I just can't rise above it."  I say one word to you, "SING!"  You say, "I can't carry a tune in a bucket."  I say again, "SING!"  In your tongue is life!  The Lord thinks YOUR song is beautiful  ...  because it's the "heart" coming through the tongue.  That's all He wants is the real, sincere, feelings of your heart.  Sing Him a love song; make up the words if you don't know one, and SING!  How long?  Until  ...

Praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening, praise Him when the sun goes down  ...  Praise Him.  Praise Him for His mercy, Praise Him for His goodness, Praise Him for His blood shed for you, Praise Him!  You say, "I just can't; it would be through tears."  So be it; Praise Him when you don't feel like it; Praise Him through the tears; Praise Him when everything's bad; Praise Him when everything's good; Praise Him!

You can write upon the sands of time the path you will take.  It all comes from the heart and issues out through the tongue  ...  the power of the Holy Ghost, the Joy of your soul, the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat  ...  it's in the power of the tongue.  Pray the Word out loud; sing the Word; speak the Word; let your tongue be the vessel that sets you free!  The world may give a measure of happiness, but only the Lord can give you JOY!

O, David, you left us with words of hope, words of amazing beauty, words of encouragement; and you still speak them through thousands of years of worn out pages; they are the blessing to our souls, "The Quill of Utterance."

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

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