Friday, March 4, 2011

Isaiah 52:10


There is nothing more comforting in this time of extensive world conflict than knowing who is in control.  The Dictators aren't ruling; the Nation's governments aren't ruling; the United Nations affiliates aren't ruling; and our own President is not in full control of this one.  Almighty God, our Lord Jesus Christ has already laid out the plan and formed the conclusion.  The result?  This is God's War!

                         "The Lord hath made bare His Holy arm in the eyes of all the
                                Nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see
                                                 the salvation of our God."
To bare one's arm is an oriental term meaning to prepare for war.  The oriental garments had large flowing sleeves, and with one quick move of the hand, the sleeve was pushed up, baring the arm, and proving to the opponent that the warrior was ready to fight.  So it is with our Lord; He is, even now, baring His arm, moving Nations into position, setting up and tearing down.  And, we have read the back of the book; we know He wins! 

What is the point of all this conflict?  For humans, it's OIL; for God, it's "salvation."  For God, it's always about the eternal, immortal, resting place of the soul.  He would rather accomplish His goal without war, without bloodshed, and without nuclear threats, but unfortunately, He must deal with the Wills of human beings, which often are not in full surrender to His Will.  So, like a chessboard, He moves the players into position. 

Chess is a game that resembles war.  There are 1,040 possible legal chess positions and each chess position can have as many as 218 moves.  Bishops move diagonally in chess, and in human definition are those in charge of spiritual administration.  The Queen is the most powerful chess piece; she can move in any direction; the Church is God's Queen, and the Nations will have her ultimate influence.  Knights are the horsehead figures, and in definition are fervent defenders of a cause or belief.  A rook in the game can move in a straight line in any direction, but a "rook" is also a name for a black bird as a member of the crow family.  A pawn is the position of lowest value;  it is also a manipulated person.  

We see that War is a whole lot like the game of chess.  The King, Jesus Christ our Lord, has set His queen, His bride, the Church, as knights in their shining armor, in strategic Regions around the world to protect and defend His cause, and they are designed to "lead the charge."  The Lord sent the ravens or "rooks" to feed the Prophet Elijah by the brook, and He today, supplies all of our needs according to His riches in Glory.  The pawns are the "nations," which the Lord can manipulate at a moment's notice; the world rests in His hands.  And, last but not least, the Bishop is in place to organize every maneuver, test the direction of the winds, plot the needed course, and protect his warriors as a Shepherd over his flock. 

One definition of  war is "an effort to combat or eradicate something harmful."  Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered, died, and rose again for this cause.  It was all to "eradicate something harmful;" to end sin, to save all mankind, and to restore His beloved creation back to the Garden of Eden.  

God's war will end with "...Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God."   (Rev. 21:3)  It is all about "relationship," and the everlasting, profound love Almighty God has for mankind; therefore, He will fight to protect His own, eliminate the evil, and preserve the good.

It is a daunting thing when the Lord "bares His arm," and if I were you, Nations of the earth; I would wave the white flag!
                                                                                                                                                               By Sheryl Fowler

(Visit and  PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, "Austin In Love," Pastor Kenneth Phillips)     

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