Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"America, Bless God!"


"Therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, 
but fellow citizens of the saints and members 
of God’s household, built on the foundation 
of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ 
Himself as the chief cornerstone."
(Ephesians 2:19-20)

We begin a new day the same way we ended it yesterday  ...  with PRAYER!  And, the prayer is not only for America, but for the whole world.  The Lord Jesus Christ gave His life for all people, all Nations, kindred, and tongues.  We're longing for the day when we'll study War no more, no War, no pain, no disease, no tears, no hatred, no separation of peoples, but all UNITED in the LOVE of Jesus Christ, our Lord!  You say, "It can never happen."  Oh, yes it CAN happen and will in the Millennium  ... but, it happens now only in the redemption and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ!  He WAS; He IS; and He IS TO COME!  He weeps for His beloved earth, for peoples of every Nation, for all with honest hearts, who will seek Him, receive Him, serve and Love Him, as He Loves and cares for them.  He will receive EVERYONE who calls out to Him in sincerity and honesty, and He will forgive their sins, fill them with His Spirit, and when they are baptized in His name, they become new creatures in Him  ...  And, then the JOY!  It's JOY unspeakable and full of Glory!

Three things are the same all over the world  ...  a tear, a drop of blood, and a smile.  We are not so different as we might think; we were all created in His image, and prayers to Jesus Christ may rise in different languages, but they reach His waiting ears with the same welcoming.  Whoever is reading this  ...  in China, in Russia, in Japan, in Germany, in nations all over the world  ...  He LOVES you!  When we all get to heaven, what a rejoicing that will be! Just imagine, every nation, kindred and tongue, beautiful and precious people from all walks of life, from all over planet earth  ... worshiping, singing, rejoicing in Almighty God, The Creator, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the Holy One of Israel, the Alpha and Omega, the risen King of Kings and Lord of Lords, JESUS CHRIST!  

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might be saved."
(John 3:17)

The God of all Creation holds the whole universe in His hand; He is not willing that ANY should be lost or perish.  America is only 6% of the entire world; the other 94% is just as important to the Creator.  He wants His whole earth to feel His love, His peace, His Spirit, and His Joy.  And, it's happening!  All over the world, people are receiving the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and they are speaking in tongues as His Spirit gives them utterance.  It's beautiful; it's powerful; and it's glorious.  So, as we end this day, this Birthday of America, I feel the Lord saying, "I love all of You, all over the world!"  Pray, America, for the other 94%, and Pray 94% for the 6%  ...  Pray, world, for all people everywhere to KNOW the One, who is the only One who can bring peace  ...  Pray  ...

America, You were founded with PRAYER;

Congratulations, President Donald Trump! 
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Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm
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We are a solid Church, taking the gospel all over the 
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