Saturday, March 19, 2016


The crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, 
"Hosanna to the Son of David; BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES 
IN THE NAME OF THE LORD; Hosanna in the highest!"
(Matthew 21:9)

It was a Holy and prophetic fulfillment, spoken of the
arrival of the One and only King of Kings 
With their palms waving and lively Hosanna's praising; 
it was, indeed, a joyous time to sing
Jesus Christ began His Entry at Jericho, ascending to 
the beautiful Holy City, Jerusalem
It was quite a ride, 3,000 feet of climbing on a donkey,
borrowed on that day, for the use of him
A passion was emerging from the crowd, the beginning of 
a Holy worship, and glorious convocation
It was a triumph for a lost world; the omnipotent God came 
to die, a heavenly, yet required, earthly oblation
He was the long promised Messiah, the Lord and Savior for 
His sinful created "dust," for all of creation
He was born of a virgin to live and to die, and then rise in a
miraculous, brilliant, splendorous manifestation
So, it was absolutely fitting to pave His path, with carpets
of garments laid, and greenery of royal fronds
For Jesus Christ embodies the power to break all chains,
 free the possessed, and loose all the bonds
He was God who gave life to that very tree, His nemesis, and
then it was His finished deed, His dying cross
But, He counted it worthy and fitting to be an instrument,
to cover the debt of Sin, the ultimate cost
The palm was the branch laid down to the One who reigns,
and who would forever set mankind free
 But, His hands are the palms of running blood, nailed in victory;
 it was an eternal ransom for you and me
As He rode upon that borrowed colt, His mind could see the cross,
the beating, the blood, the torture yet to be
The people didn't know the monumental day this was to be in all 
of history; they only knew it was a "Triumphant Entry."

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:00 pm
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayer needs, and if you would
like to sow seed in holy fertile ground, give online 
@  Thank you, and may 
God richly bless you; I know He surely will!


"Sing The Savior's Love" @ 10:30 on March 20th and 27th!
Live streaming @!
Please join us for our powerful Easter presentations!
You will never be the same again!


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