Sunday, September 11, 2016

"He's Still God!"

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; 
when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me."
(Micah 7:8)

Will He come when I call?  Will my God run to me as I run to Him
 in my distress and in my need?
Does the Lover of my soul hear my cries and know my trials? Is He
 near and can I expect to be freed?
Can my soul rise from this "dust" of earth's chains, and soar in
 newness of life in heaven's domains?
When will my deliverance come and put the pieces of my life back
 together, from these broken remains?
Why do my tears fall like waterfalls from the mountain I have
 climbed to seek My God in secret places?
Will He meet me here upon this aerie crag and speak with a voice
 of thunder in these misty foggy spaces?
What can I do to beckon His angels and see His glory, when the
 night closes around me in throes of pain?
Will there suddenly be lightnings of power and warriors in flight, 
coming to my aid in blessings like rain?
Will the valley be swallowed up by the mountain, and the snakes be
 eaten by flying Eagles, causing me to soar?
Can my dwelling place rest on the mountain and make this my
 abode, above the valley's tears and roars?
What praise can I give You, My Lord, for lifting me up and setting
 me in the heights of beauty at your feet?
What can the valley do to me now, as I have reached the apex of
holiness in My Lord, at His mercy seat?
Why did I fear, when My Lord held me down in the valley and He
 holds me on the mountain, so high and tall?
When did it happen? When did my tears turn to JOY and my
 troubles fade, like the crumbling of a wall?
Won't this ethereal haven be my home, since I've climbed so long 
 and finally reached the peace of My Lord?
Why didn't I realize my victory was always won, with My God's
 Name, His Word, Blood, and sword?
Who can defeat The One who reigns, The Holy One of Israel, The
 One who owns and created earth's very sod?
How can His own think that we are not in His hand, when our
hairs are numbered, for Truth says, "He's Still God!"

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:00 pm
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Please go to and send us your
prayer requests; your cares are our prayers!  If 
you would like to sow a seed in good ground, please
give your love offering online.  God bless you, 
 and I know that He surely will!

PromiseLand Church!
In the 'night' of this world, we know
"He's Still God!"


{Special thanks to for the use
of graphic text generator}

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