Monday, May 22, 2017


"But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in 
the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on 
their right hand, and on their left."
(Exodus 14:29)

The children of Israel, at the mighty anointed and miraculous hand of God and Moses, arrived on dry ground, safe from the pursuing Egyptians  ...  Now what?  Their prayers to be delivered have finally been answered; they have waited and longed for this day, now what?  It doesn't change; people from all generations pray prayers for many years sometimes, until they are finally fulfilled, finally answered, finally manifested  ...  then what?  You say, "What are you talking about; it's wonderful; the prayers are answered."  Why does God do miracles?  Why does God answer prayers?  Why does God show forth His hand in ways of escape? It's to show God's people in all ages that they can trust Him; they can depend on their God to see them through; they can know that God is real and He delivers.  When can we know this? We know it upon "Arriving!"

"He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters
 on foot-- come, let us rejoice in him."
(Psalm 66:6)

There is a day of Arrival! Matthew Henry's commentary says it so beautifully, "What cannot he do who did this? What will not he do for those that fear and love him, who did this for these murmuring, unbelieving Israelites?"  Does Almighty God care about our problems, our trials, and troubles?  Yes.  Does He want to answer our prayers? Yes.  Why does He make us wait, sometimes for years, before He answers?  We have learned over the years that there are three answers to prayer  ... Yes, No, and Wait.  All of our prayers fall into one of those categories.  Why the "wait?"  It's a "process;" sometimes it's to show forth His Glory; sometimes "we" are not ready for the answer; sometimes "we" must be enlarged to receive the answer; sometimes the answer depends upon other answers; sometimes fulfillment of His Word comes first; sometimes He is answering, but "we" have not ARRIVED yet.  Huh?  All of these things are called growth, destiny, vision, prophecy, illumination, and faith.  You say, "I don't understand."  None of us do  ...  He IS God, and He does not think like we think; that's why we are admonished with those powerful words, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5)

"By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to 
guide  them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give
 them light, so that they could travel by day or night."
(Exodus 13:21)

It's about being led by the Spirit of God.  The Israelites were led by a cloud by day and a fire by night, so "we" are led by the Spirit of Almighty God.  If we have not the Spirit, we are none of His. "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."  (Romans 8:9)  The Israelites were led by the Spirit of God every step of the way in their 40 year long journey through the desert to the promised land.  We are led today by the Spirit of Jesus Christ "in us."  We must be filled with His Spirit (Acts 2, 8, 10, and 19); we must be baptized in His name, (Acts 2 and Acts 19), and we will "Arrive" at our answers, through His Word, His Spirit, His Prophets, and His Preachers.

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, 
that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the
 world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but 
ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
(John 14:16-17)

We get answers through the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ living in us.  We are guided into all truth by the Spirit of the Lord.  Something always must be sent up before anything can come down.  It's called Prayer; we all do it; even non-believers call out for help when they get into a disastrous situation.  Our every day existence here in earth is all about "Arriving."  What?  It means "to come to a certain point."  We're all going somewhere; we all will "arrive" in an eternal Heaven or an eternal Hell.  We begin by arriving at birth; we arrive in all the stages of growth to adulthood; we arrive at success; we arrive at a crossroad of salvation, because we were all born in sin and shapen in iniquity  ...  we will arrive at the feet of Jesus Christ  ...  Every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord  ...  We are always "Arriving," at intersections of decision and choice, at finales of tests and trials as we carry our crosses, at roads of good and evil, at answers from the hand of a Holy God.

"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that
 come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot
 understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."
(I Corinthians 2:14)

We must all "arrive" at Truth some time in our lives; we must arrive at salvation, Grace, forgiveness, humility, repentance, and all happens at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.  He died to set all of mankind free, all nations, kindred and tongues.  What is life really all about?  It's about giving our lives back to the One who created them  ...  It's about "Arriving!"

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Contact us at to send 
your prayer requests, and to "give" online.  We
are a Church of 50 years and going strong!
One Pastor, One Passion, One Vision!
God Bless You for sowing in good soil, 
and He will!

We will "ARRIVE" at the place of glory in Jesus Christ!
It is a venture into Holy things on Holy ground with
our Holy God!  Join us in this adventure, won't you?
Repent, be baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ"
for the remission of sins, and receive the Holy Ghost
with the evidence of speaking in tongues as God
gives the utterance!  (Acts 2:38, Acts 19)


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