Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"No More Delay!"

And he swore by him who lives forever and ever, 
who created the heavens and all that is in them, 
the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all
that is in it, and said, 
"There will be no more delay!"
(Revelation 10:6)

When earth cries out, "No More Delay," matching with the cry of heaven, Get Ready!  It's THE NEW CHURCH ORDER!  The Church has become impatient, and that's good, because the Bride sets the wedding date!  The Word of the Prophet, the cry of the Bride, the PUSH from earth and the PUSH from heaven  ...  All are saying the same thing, moving in the same direction, and it will bring an unprecedented surge of the power of God in earth; the time has come; the hour is here, and there will be  "NO MORE DELAY!"

No More Delay for what?  No more waiting for what?  No more wondering "When?" for what?  Miracles, Signs, and Wonders; money to market the truth; the New Church  Order; Worldwide end of time Revival; Spirit upon all flesh; the UNITY of the body of Christ; every knee bowing to The Creator; One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; the Flame of the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord; the glorious end time fulfillment of all things; the sound of the trumpet, the coming of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings to take back His beloved earth   ...  That's what!  ...

It's TIME for the Power of the Lord to be released in earth.  You say, "But, only God can do that."  WE are His hands, His feet, His voice in earth; and even as the apostles were sent forth to heal, deliver, and cast out devils; so are WE, the Church, sent forth to do the same thing, and more!

The altar is drenched with prayers and tears, with humility and holy consecration, with fasting often; and now, we're ready for the fire!  NO MORE DELAY, Dear Lord; send down the fire!  Send down the Power, Send down the rain, Send down the Glory, Send down the Spirit, Send down Your Angels, and Send down the blessings  ... Not to heap it all on ourselves, O Lord, but for Your kingdom, Your Glory, Your Spirit upon all flesh, Your presence in the earth, we pray!

The mystery shall be finished when the seventh
angel shall sound.

Vincent Word Studies says it like this: "The meaning is not, as popularly understood, that time shall cease to exist, but that there shall be no more delay before the fulfillment of the divine purposes respecting the Church on earth.  Possibly with allusion to the cry how long. (Revelation 6:10)"

Matthew Henry's commentary ends it beautifully: "The final salvation of the righteous, and the final success of true religion on earth, are engaged for by the unfailing word of the Lord.  Though the time may not be yet, it cannot be far distant.  Very soon, as to us, time shall be no more; but if we are believers, a happy eternity will follow: we shall from heaven behold and rejoice in the triumphs of Christ, and his cause on earth."

The bottom line?  Heaven, in the Book of Revelation, is calling for "no more delay;" speaking of the fulfillment of the judgments upon earth in the tribulation period, as consolation for the martyrs and the Church as a whole.  Now, we here in earth, are calling for "no more delay"  ...  the sound of heaven and the sound of earth are the same, with a somewhat different focus and meaning  ...  The cry of "No more delay" in earth is to equip us, the Church, to finish the work "of redemption," so that He can then take His Bride, the Church, out of here  ...  The cry of "No more delay" in the portals of heaven is to finish the work of judgment and begin the thousand years of peace.  Both cries produce monumental happenings  ...
"NO MORE DELAY" is a profound statement which completes the circle of heaven and earth.  We have reached the time when the sounds of heaven are the sounds of earth, "in earth as it is in heaven," and when this happens; it's TIME to board the train, but we must have a ticket.  The ticket is coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins with sincerity and Godly sorrow, being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, and being filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues as the Spirit gives us the utterance  ...  ALL Aboard!

O, Lord, have mercy, for it's better to hear "No more delay" from earth for the souls of men, than to hear it in heaven when time shall be no more.  Send, O Lord, one more revival, one more outpouring, one more influx of blessing to accomplish Your will, one more move of Miracles, Signs, and Wonders, and there will be "SHOUTIN' TIME in heaven" ...  you can count on it!  And, please, Lord, send it with "NO MORE DELAY!" 


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Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
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