Friday, February 15, 2013

"His Lunch or His Heart"

Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up,
"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish,
but how far will they go among so many?"
(John 6:8) 

Jesus had compassion on the hungry, the five thousand assembled, 
 along with their women and children
The disciples were fretting, wondering where they would go to buy 
 food, and how they would feed them
But, a young boy had a lunch that he was willing to give, and Jesus 
 took it, blessed it, and a miracle ensued
The hungry multitude was fed, by a multiplication of loaves and 
 fishes; they were filled and rescued
What a mighty thing that must have been to behold, watching the  
 thousands eat, from one little lad's lunch
It was normal for Jesus Christ to act in such a way; miracles were 
 His forte, but in this, I have a hunch
What if the lad had not wanted to give his lunch; it wouldn't be
 unheard of today, in this selfish age
After all, many are hungry today all over the world, and would any
 of us give, in this world of rampage
Oh, yes, there are those everywhere who give their "lunch," and
 much more, to help others in need
But, they're usually a humble bunch; they don't shout their love; 
 they're a precious wonderful breed
They understand the lad who gave, because they know it was more
 than his lunch, that he gave that day
You see, either we have it or we don't, this Lord within, who moves
 us to go the 2nd mile, and out of our way
It's a depth in the Spirit, that causes man to behave like his Savior, 
 and become like that good Samaritan
And it's happening all over this globe, in every Nation, kindred
 and tongue, not just with Americans
It comes from above, this love for mankind; it's the heart of Jesus 
 Christ our Lord, living in souls of men
Who have received His Spirit, who have been baptized in His
name, and left the evils of worldliness and sin
So, when the thousands left that day, as they watched the lad with 
 his full basket of food, on the road to depart
What was the real Miracle performed on that grassy knoll; did
 anyone wonder, was it: "His Lunch or His Heart."

(Visit and

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He gives away his heart continually)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas

Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~


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graphic text generator}

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