Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Picture of Vision"

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come."
(Matthew 24:14)

PromiseLand Church

What is a world view?  It's seeing through the eyes of Almighty God; it's having a view bigger than one's own family, friends, and immediate surroundings; it's seeing the big picture as God sees it; it's a "Picture of Vision."

PromiseLand Church in Austin, Texas, has been in prophecy for years, and very recently, was prophesied as the Center of International ministries and worldwide revival.  Pastors and prophetic ministers are gathering here and scheduling to come regularly to this Church.  Why?  God has raised up this Church, and Pastor Kenneth Phillips as the Father of the Nations to reach the entire globe with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It's not a small undertaking; the Church is growing by leaps and bounds, with a Charter School now beginning, with over 180 ministries, with Spanish services, Ethiopian services, regular Mission trips, Bible College classes, over 120 in the home Bible network, and the list goes on and on.  The price has been paid with years of many 40-day fasts by members, prayer, prayer, and more prayer, and most of all  ...  Love for a lost world, love for people hurting in every Nation, kindred and tongue  ...  the tears of the world streak the faces of a people who care, who lay hands on Your Nation on our map in the prayer room, and weep for Your people.  It's no "ordinary" Church  ...

Pastor Kenneth Phillips

This is what "Vision" looks like, wrapped in an American flag, kissing an Italian flag, and those anointed hands cover the globe on his desk as prayer in the Spirit rises to the eternal Spirit for the Nations, continually  ...  it's all about the Nations, people, souls, hurting, reaching, crying people all over the world.  This is no "ordinary" man  ...

The "Vision" keeps this Pastor and this Church awake  ...  the world has been divided into Regions and are set up; the Pastors are arriving for the team; the pieces of the puzzle are coming together; the world doesn't know it, but they have been targeted  ... with Love! 
The Father of the Nations will lay hands upon the Nations, one by one, soul by soul, and by the Word of Jesus, the Name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus, Love will make the difference.  You say, "Love doesn't take care of everything."  The Bible says it covers a multitude of sins!  Have you ever been loved, really loved, no matter what you've done, no matter how evil the sin; have you ever felt really clean inside?  Have you ever felt Holy, really Holy?  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can do that in our lives, by baptism in His name, the infilling of His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  It is greater than anything you can imagine, the holiness, innocence, and purity that comes over you when you are saved and sanctified in the Lord Jesus Christ!

 The one with Vision realizes the clock is ticking down; it's as it was in the days of Noah; people are eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, and the door is about to be shut; people are drowning in evil and sin, and someone must throw them a life raft.  Who will do it?  PromiseLand Church will, and is  ... we're coming world!
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon
all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old
 men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."
(Joel 2:28)

The Lord is not willing that ANY be lost or perish.  All will have a chance to come to Him, to feel His love and protection, to walk in His beauty and His gifts, to feel His tender mercies and know His grace.  The time is now to turn to Him and give your heart to Him.  Jesus Christ will never leave you nor forsake you.  His love is eternal; won't you let Him carry your burdens, hold you and stand up for you?  Underneath are His everlasting arms.  He loves the world, the whole world, every Nation, kindred and tongue.

PromiseLand Church believes in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ; we've seen multitudes of miracles, signs and wonders, the Glory of Almighty God, the smoky mist of His Holy presence, the beauty of His salvation in adults and children as they receive His Holy Spirit, and every service is a different move of His Spirit  ... we come expecting a manifestation of God!  Won't you join us?  Every nation can view us via live streaming.  Won't you consider making PromiseLand your Church?  Many have moved here from other countries, other States, other cities  ...  God is gathering His own for the last harvest.  Won't you make PromiseLand your home?  We love you 24 hours a day; your cares are our prayers!

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
("Picture of Vision")
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~


{Special thanks to for the use of
graphic text generator}

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