Sunday, June 3, 2012

"The Blood and The Body"

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus,
on the night he was betrayed, took bread, And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.  In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
(I Corinthians 11:23-25)

Life!  What's it all about?  Living, working, marrying, bearing children; what's it all about?  Earth, heaven, hell; what's it about?  It's about "The Blood and The Body."

We should be gadding about in the luscious greenery, among floral aromas, and the fresh flowing waterfalls of the Garden of Eden, but because Adam and Eve sinned; man was cast out of the Garden and must now work by the sweat of his brow; the woman must bear children in pain, and mankind had no hope until   ...   Until what?  Until the Lord Jesus Christ gave His blood and His body for the sins of the whole world.  The pictures are not pretty; the scene was gruesome; His flesh was beaten and ripped to the bone; a thorny crown was driven into His scull; nails like railroad spikes were pounded into His hands and feet, while He was nailed to the cross.  No one "took" His life; He gave it willingly for You and me, and every human being in earth. 

The communion, the wafer and the cup of grape juice are symbolic of the blood Jesus shed and His broken body that were "given" for us.  "Do this in remembrance of Me," Jesus said.  Today, thousands of years later, we do it; we repent of our sins in deep sorrow, and take the wafer, tasteless and unleavened, and we snap it in two, like the broken body of our precious Lord and Savior, and we eat it  ...  in remembrance  ... Then, we drink the cup, the cup of blood red juice, like the red flowing blood from every pore of His body  ... in remembrance  ...  We will never forget, Lord Jesus, never will we forget.

"Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a
participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we
break a participation  in the body of Christ?"
(I Corinthians 10:16)

Salvation came with a cost, a torturous, bloody, life-giving cost, for which we are eternally grateful to our Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus Christ.  He is The Only God; there is none beside Him; He alone, died for our sins and rose again the third day.  No one else can claim to have done that; He, alone, can wash away our sins, and fill us with His Spirit to speak in tongues as His Spirit gives us utterance.  We are baptized in His name, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins.  This is the gospel: the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the salvation message: Repent, be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive the Holy Ghost.  Who is this message for?  As many as are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call  ... every human in earth!

The Lord Jesus Christ is calling Your name.  What?  He did it all for You and me, and every Nation, kindred and tongue.  He's coming soon  ...  We must be ready.  How can we be ready?  Obey His Word, receive His blood and His body in salvation, in communion, and in Your heart.  

When it was over, Jesus Christ said, "It is Finished."  He was buried in a borrowed tomb, but on the third day, He arose.  He was seen by multitudes of people and He's alive today!  He's coming back, first, in the Rapture to catch away His Bride, the Church in the air; then, He will be riding on a white horse and His blood and His body are intact!  Maranatha, Lord Jesus!  That means, "Come Quickly!  We remember, Lord, and we will be ready!

(Visit and
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
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