Friday, May 11, 2012

"Adam and Eve"

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind,
it is abomination. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things."
(Leviticus 18:22-24)

Adam and Eve were created, not Adam and Steve, nor Eve and Miriam.  Same sex marriage  ... a hot topic today, this will not be popular or accepted by some, but it doesn't matter what I think, or what anyone else thinks; the only thing that matters is what Almighty God thinks!  This will present the facts according to the Holy Bible, and then anyone reading this can receive it or not receive it, according to his/her own conscience  ... Fair enough?  It should be noted that the Lord Jesus Christ loves every soul in earth; He is not against any one person  ...  He is against Sin in the life of every person, and Bible prophecy is being fulfilled daily  ...  Let the Lord speak to your heart today.   

There are all types of Sin, and all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God; we all need a Savior.  We are centering on "same sex marriage" because it is the topic and Sin of the hour.  You say, "Well, I don't think it's a sin."  I hear you, but every honest heart will receive the Spirit of God, and every honest heart will do what is right in "His" eyes.  I know there will be many honest hearts reading this.  Why is this important?  Time is running out, and all of us must make sure we are right in God's eyes before it is everlasting too late  ...  Sodom and Gomorrah was turned to ashes for the sin of homosexuality, and this sin is running rampant today.

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of
them have committed an abomination: they shall surely
be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
(Levitcus 20:13)

"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature."
"And like wise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their 
lust one toward another: men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
(Romans 1:26-27)
God lists "homosexual offenders" among "the wicked" (1 Corinthians 6:9).
God lists "homosexual offenders" among those who He determines will "not inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9).
Historically, homosexuality has incurred God's destructive wrath upon an entire city (Gen. 19:4-5, 11-13).
God's word defines the men of Sodom as "sinning greatly" because of their men having sex with men (Genesis 13:13; 19:5).
God calls Sodom's sin "sexual perversion" (Jude 1:7). Societies that remain in perversion (Sodom, Rome...) are on the road to destruction.
God's word identifies husband-wife relations as "natural relations" and homosexual relations as "unnatural ones" (Romans 1:26-27) and "perversion" (vs. 27).
God's word also rebukes those who "approve of those who practice" homosexuality (Romans 1:32).
Jesus settled the marriage issue once for all, declaring that God had made them "male and female ... a man ... [and] his wife" (Matthew 19:4-5).

What if you didn't know about these scriptures before, and now you want to ask for forgiveness?  He will receive you!  "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." (Psalm 34:18) But, when we ask for forgiveness, we can't go back to the old lifestyle; we must turn around and walk a different way.  The Lord gives us strength to do that, when we are filled with His Spirit, and baptized in His name (Acts 2; Acts 10; Acts 19).  It is not within any of us to direct our own path; we need the help of the Savior, Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Then all the men of the city surrounded Lot's house and said,
"Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us
so that we can have sex with them."
(Genesis 19:5)
The angels struck the rioters blind! Leading Lot, his wife, and two daughters
by the hand, the angels hurried them out of the city. The girls' fiancés would not
 listen and stayed behind.  Lot and his family fled to a tiny village called Zoar.  The
Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying the buildings,
the people, and all the vegetation in the plain.  Lot's wife disobeyed the angels,
looked back, and turned into a pillar of salt.
(Genesis 19)

Sin is not new; homosexuality is not new; God has been dealing with this for thousands of years.  The Lord Jesus Christ came, died on the cross, and rose again to give us hope and a future.  There is a life after this one; there is a heaven and a hell; there will be a Rapture of the Church; there is coming a horrible tribulation period when the earth will be judged for Sin; there will be a thousand years of peace.  The Lord is trying to give everyone a chance to repent before judgment comes.  We don't sin and get by with it; there are always always consequences; we must face our sins, all of us, and repent, placing them under the blood of Jesus Christ.  You say, "I still don't believe what I'm doing is sin."  It is your choice, your decision, your heart and soul that must face Almighty God  ...  and we ALL will face Him.  He said sooner or later, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We can do it now  ...  or later  ... when it's too late  ...

Dear friend, if you are involved in any of this we're talking about here, but you feel a tugging at your heart, a moving in your soul, please yield to the Lord.  He loves you.  You say, "But you don't know what all I've done."  That is between you and Jesus, and He stands ready to take you in His arms and forgive you.  Once you repent, he remembers those sins no more; it's as if they never happened!  Isn't that wonderful?  It is, indeed.  You can receive His Spirit, be baptized in His name, and you will feel like a brand new person, so clean and "light."  Huh?  You will feel light as a feather; sin has a way of weighing us down, stealing our joy, and robbing our minds of reason and sanity.  Depression, guilt, shame, and the evils of what sin does to us will be gone!   

Lord Jesus, I pray for every person reading
this that you will touch them, bless them,
give them peace, and let Your light shine
in the darkness that binds them.  Loose
them now, and set them free.  Help them
to ask Your forgiveness, and when they do,
lead them in the paths of righteousness for
Your Name's sake.  Fill them with Your
Spirit; lead them to be baptized in Your
name, and let them feel joy such as they
have never known.  I pray blessings upon
each one in the name of Jesus Christ, by
the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the Word
of Jesus Christ.  Amen and Amen.

Be blessed, my friend!  This was not written to condemn anyone, but just to bring you the truth of God's Word.  There were many things I did not know were sins until I read the Holy Bible.  We all have to come to the knowledge of Christ. 

God creates beautiful things, holy things, and His creation of Adam and Eve was to procreate and fill the earth; only a man and a woman can do that; everything else is unnatural and unholy in God's sight.  May we all be holy in the sight of God.

(Visit and
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

{Special Thanks to for the use
of graphic text generator)

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