Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I Give You Power!"

"I Give You Power!"

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19)  Power means "authority, strength, control, influence, and skill."  Skill is the ability to do something well.  We must officiate the Power well over satan!  The enemy, satan, was cast out of the throne room of heaven and he now dwells in the second heaven.  The first heaven is what we readily see: the clouds and stars; the second heaven is above that; then, the throne room of Almighty God, which is the third heaven.  But, satan and his imps spend their time roaming earth, tormenting, lying, stealing, killing, and destroying the people of God and all that pertains to the ONE true God.  But, satan's not through "falling;" because, the Lord Jesus Christ gave us the ability to push him down further with four little words, "I Give You Power!"

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory 
for ever.  Amen."
(Matthew 6:13)

 Evil is prevalent in earth, because satan is running loose in our midst.  He was banned from Glory, so he seeks to destroy every ounce of Glory that flows from heaven to mankind.  He goes about as a roaring lion seeking to devour whom he will.  However, God didn't leave us here to fight our battles without the "force"  of heaven.  "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force."  (Matthew 11:12)  Clarke's commentary explains it beautifully:

          "He that will take, get possession of the kingdom of righteousness,
                peace, and spiritual joy, must be in earnest:  all hell will oppose him in every  
              step he takes; and if a man be not absolutely determined to give up his sins and
             evil companions, and have his soul saved at all hazards, and at every expense, he will
             surely perish everlastingly.  This requires a violent earnestness." 

We are in an all out WAR for our souls!  The only times we lose are when we do not exercise the Power given us to defeat the devil.  How often do you rebuke him from your life, your family, your Church, your Pastor, your possessions, your finances, your health, and your warfare?  Demons have spoken to me through possessed people  ...  This IS Real!  We Christians need to move in the Power of the Holy Ghost to defeat, conquer and subdue the enemy of our souls.  Don't attempt it if you're not prayed up, fasted up, and powered up!  (What is the POWER? Read Acts 2:38; Acts 8; Acts 10; Acts 19)

Jesus Being Tempted

Every time satan came to tempt Jesus, the Lord replied, "It is Written."  He fought him with the Word.  WE can't fight off satan with the Word if we do not know the Word.  Wars require strategy, preparation, armor, and Power.  A sword in the hand is no good if it's still in the sheath  ...  unopened, unread, and unknown  ...  

When Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again the third day, He then sat down.  It Is Finished.  What is finished?  His part!  Now, it's OUR part.  The baton has been handed down; the Power has been given to the Church; we are His hands, His feet, His voice, His instruments to heal, deliver, protect, pronounce, prophesy, provide, revive, save, and ready the world for His arrival at the sound of the trumpet.  We get it; we're on the Move, and we ain't no ways tired  ... 

Saul attempts to kill David

When Saul became king of Israel, (I Samuel 10:6)  God's Spirit filled him (the Spirit of God was "with" him; no one in the old testament could have the Spirit "within" them.  This could only happen after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and occurred on the Day of Pentecost in the 2nd chapter of the Book of Acts when people were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues).  Saul was a great leader for twenty years; then he began to disobey God.  He became self-absorbed and God's Spirit withdrew from him: "... an evil spirit from God came forcefully upon Saul."  Psalm 81:8-12 tells us how an evil spirit can take over someone serving God: "... So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices." 

The spirit of evil makes people do things they wouldn't ordinarily do.  "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (I Corinthians 10:12)  People can be oppressed of the devil and/or possessed of the devil.  There are spirits of satan seeking to trip us up daily; we must be filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God, and even then, we are susceptible to evil influence.  In Matthew 16:23 when Jesus was explaining to the disciples how He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things and be killed, Peter rebuked the Lord telling him it shall not be so, and the Lord turned and said to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."  Jesus was speaking to Peter.  This proves "we" can be used by satan to speak things contrary to God's purpose, His will, and His Word.  We must guard our hearts, minds, souls, and "mouths" for the use of Jesus Christ in earth.

  "In other words that evil spirit comes unto someone when that person
rebels against God and decides to do his/her own will.  God's grace is removed
from that person as God will not impose Himself on anyone.  This opens the
doors to the devil's influence.  It looks as if God sends these evil spirits, but
in reality, we make our own choice by turning our backs on God and
 following our own devices." *

We are not "once saved, always saved."  We must be repentant daily; we must be alert and watchful, sober and diligent, humble and obedient.  No one can pluck us out of God's hands  ... except one ... our own self.  We, ourselves, can step out of God's will and allow ourselves to be influenced and even taken over by evil  ...  example: Judas.  

The Power of God is a heady thing.  We can never forsake the bowed heart and the realization that without God, we are still just "dust."  We are nothing; we have nothing; we can do nothing  ...  except the Lord Jesus Christ enables us, blesses us, anoints, and sends us.  You say, "Well, that sounds sort of like a defeatest."  No, it's called "humility," which is "respect" of creation for his/her Creator!  

Jesus laying hands on the sick

Can we be all Power in the Lord and still walk in humility?  Can we cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead, open blinded eyes and deaf ears and not get lifted up?  Is it possible to be a Hero in the faith, but, "to God be the Glory?"  You tell me  ...  We are His hands, and we are His feet; He said "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."  The apostles did it; they healed the sick, and performed miracles, then died as martyrs for the cause of Christ  ... 

It's all about the Saints of the living God loosing the Good, Angels, and binding the Bad, devils, and it happens because the Lord said, "I Give You Power!"

The Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, is the POWER!
Be filled with the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues!
Obey Acts 2:38!

(Visit and
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas, Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

(*Quote from

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