"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every
one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
(Acts 2:38)
It should be the cry heard around the world, a plea made in
every Nation, kindred and tongue
"Pour out Your Spirit, Lord Jesus," should rise to You, as a
fervent prayer, soulfully sung
We'll be caught away to meet You in the air, but only if we're
filled with Your Spirit from on high
So, we humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and ask You to
fill us to overflowing, is our outcry
It's Your Spirit dwelling in us, that will raise us on that day,
and quicken us when the trumpet sounds
Only those filled with Your Spirit will hear the horn blow; it
will override the noisy earthly backgrounds
And we'll fly like the wind, in a moment in the twinkling of an
eye; and we'll be gone in a blink
It will be a moment like no other, 1/44th of a second, and the
world will change forever in a wink
Joyful will be the heavens on that day, when Jesus Christ, and
His bride, are united in the sky
But, planet earth will be in chaos, with wandering lost souls,
filling empty Churches, and asking, "Why?"
filling empty Churches, and asking, "Why?"
Those who played with their souls, and their consecration, will
have the answer; they know the Word through
And they know the Tribulation's next; they'll be the most sorry
of all, because "left behind" is their due
It's so much better to be ready, repentant, baptized in the Lord's
name, and filled with the Holy Ghost
We can spend our time winning souls, rejoicing in the Lord, and
preparing to fly, with the heavenly hosts
The Bible is the truth, inspired by the Spirit; it's our road map to
the end times, and we know what is next
The Saints of God can rest in His love, stand tall in Faith, and
we have no fear, nor a need to be perplexed
For we're tuned to the chord of the trumpet; our worship is
climbing; the Holy Ghost is getting hotter
So, we are gathering the sheaves, and reaping the harvest, of
those who say they're ready for "Fire and Water!"

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~
Please send us your prayer requests, and NOW is the time to
sow seed into holy blessed ground! Miracles are happening,
Glory is falling; please go to promiselandchurch.net and give
a love offering online. May God bless you, and I know He will!
PromiseLand Church!
We live, breathe, and witness "PENTECOST!"
{Special thanks to cooltext.com}
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