"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise
from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."
What in the world is all this "Awakening" talk about? It's about a time of awareness, a season of glory, an alertness of "dust" to its Creator, an unprecedented move of our Holy Almighty God, a happening that astounds mere mortals, an invasion of Spirit into the normalcy of Church, an arrival of the presence of Jesus Christ in astonishing ways ... it is not to be explained; it is beyond the atmosphere of earth; it is ... "in earth as it is in heaven" ...
"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and
hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you
at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
(1 Peter 1:13)
It happened at PromiseLand Church several years ago, after much fasting and prayer, then suddenly the presence of the Lord was so thick in the sanctuary that people saw angels, smelled roses, were slain in the Spirit of our Holy God, had visions and dreams, were thrown behind the pulpit unable to get up under the heavy move of the Spirit ... and no one would leave! People lingered, quietly waiting, so as not to hinder the powerful move of God in our midst. It was an "Awakening" to the Glory and power of Jesus Christ, our Lord. We're approaching the next Awakening; it will be greater and more powerful than the first, more Miracles than the first, more angelic visitations than the first, more of His presence than the first, more ...
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what
hour your Lord doth come."
(Matthew 24:42)

Being awake is being alert to the moves of God in the earth, the outpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh, the Miracles, signs and wonders of the last hour, the exploits His Church will do, the drawing closer to the Lover of our souls, and climbing to the place in His Spirit where we experience all that He has for us. There is so much more that He longs to do among us, that He wants to see operating in us, through His gifts, through fasting, through prayer, our own consecration, dedication, holiness, righteousness, separation from the world, and sitting at His feet, which will bring us into that Holy place ... and it will be an Awakening!

Watch, worship, seek, hunger, thirst, climb, reach ... they're words to bring the Awakening, especially that word HUNGER! Hungering for more of the Lord, more of His presence, more of His Spirit, more of His touch, more of His direction, more of HIM is our cry for this hour. You say, "I love the Lord, but I just don't feel that." It's not a feeling; it's a made-up mind to get it! Hungry people have no manners, no second thoughts, no reservations, no hesitant unsure pausing, no wishy-washy desires ... NO, it's hot, feverish, panting Passion for the Holy One of Israel, the mighty One and only omnipotent God, the infinite Wisdom of the ages, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords ... it's unbridled, unwavering, unhindered, undaunted HUNGER!

It's a new dimension of worship, a higher place of prayer, a step into the ethereal realm of glory, but you have to want it; you have to desire it; you have to be totally focused on reaching it. God is a gentleman; He will not thrust anything upon us that we don't want, so hungering for Him is OUR job, our sacrifice, our prayer, our mountain to climb ... it's ours, and He waits for His earth to Awaken!
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~
This is the time for Your answered prayer, for your blessing,
for your salvation! Please send us your requests, and if you would
like to sow a seed in ground that's seen His Miracles and knows His power,
please give online @ promiselandchurch.net. Thank you,
and may God bless you; I know He surely will!
Jesus Christ is coming; the Rapture of the Church
can be any moment ... Be Ready! Repent, receive the
Holy Ghost and speak with tongues as God's Spirit
gives you the utterance, and be baptized in the name of
the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
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