"Since they could not get him to Jesus because
of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above
Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat
the paralyzed man was lying on."
(Mark 2:4)

Jesus healing

Woman with issue of blood

It is the tried and tested formula! "Tested by whom?" you ask. Oh, just a few, like Paul, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Job and Samson to name just a portion of them. No, they weren't perfect in all their ways, but they dealt with the same Holy God that we are dealing with, and they would not hesitate to tell us those three important words, "Don't Give Up!" Keep asking, seeking, and knocking! Keep reaching for the hem of His garment, praying, fasting and believing ... Get under the anointed hands of a man or woman of God ... Make sure you repent completely and sincerely when you take the Lord's communion ... Forgive your brother or sister in the Lord ... Make it right with the fights with your wife or husband ... Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ... You say, "What do you know about it?" I've been healed many times, but I still need healing today. I will keep asking, seeking, knocking, just like you ...

"Lord Jesus, we repent of all of our sins. I pray for every
soul who is reading this now. Touch them, Dear Lord;
I speak to every disease, infirmity of body, soul, or mind and
spirit, every chronic illness of any kind; I curse cancer to
its roots, and I speak to every one of these illnesses and
diseases, along with deafness, blindness, and issues of the
mind and brain; I speak to migraine headaches, that
growth that is very painful; I speak to that rash that
won't go away and you've tried everything; I speak to
that knot on your leg that is very painful in the upper
won't go away and you've tried everything; I speak to
that knot on your leg that is very painful in the upper
portion, and lymph node with a lump, and I say GO, by
the Name of Jesus Christ, the Word of Jesus Christ and
the Blood of Jesus Christ; LEAVE these bodies, these
minds, and these spirits; I cast you out. These infirmities
and diseases cannot live in a body covered in the Blood
of Jesus Christ! These people are whole and well in
the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord." Amen and Amen!
Now, DO something! If your back was hurt, bend down and touch your toes; whatever the sickness, illness, or disease, exercise your faith and stand, walk, run, breathe, see, hear and believe that you are healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Check it out with your Doctor before you stop any medications; when you are absolutely healed, it will be verifiable! Go tell somebody! Contact the promiselandchurch.net and give us a praise report! We love you 24 hours a day!
Praise the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! We amazed our Creator ... We just tore the roof off!
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)
Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He tears the roof off every day ... for souls everywhere!)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~
Please send us your prayers requests, and if you
would like to sow seed into holy fertile ground,
please give online @ promiselandchurch.net.
Thank you, and God bless you and keep you!
PromiseLand Church!
Praying for Miracles ... Seeing Miracles!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
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