"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith."
(1 John 5:4)

Hallelujah! The battle's already won! We serve the One who's gone ahead and prepared the way, who's been where we're going; He's waiting for our faith to catch up with His vision! Well, Hallelujah! His mercy endureth forever! We are in the countdown. Countdown to what? To Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Glory, UNITY, Power ... "in earth as it is in heaven." You say, "How do you know?" Have you tested the winds? Have you heard His whispers? Have you felt His hand? Have you sensed the atmospheric change? Ah, if you've been riding the waves of the Spirit, your radar knows it! He has saved the BEST for last; He has prepared the "Spirit upon all flesh" for the final curtain call; He's letting the Glory fall; He does ALL THINGS WELL! Who? Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord, our soon coming King!
"So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham."
(Galatians 3:9)

It's that word again. Huh? FAITH! Faith, Faith, Faith, just a little bit of faith ... it sort of hangs over the Christian's head like a hovering beckoning mantle. But, it sees us through, holds us up, calms our fears, sets us right, paves our path, opens our eyes, draws our spirits, and keeps us saved. The bottom line? We TRUST Him! We trust our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to help us, deliver us, sustain us, make a way of escape for us, and give us the VICTORY! We don't walk alone; we've got nail-scarred hands holding us; we've got the God of the universe carrying us when we're too weary to walk; we've got the Holy One of Israel standing guard over us ... Let it go! What? Your faith! Let it soar; let it reach to the throne room to receive ALL God has for you. He loves YOU utterly!

We have arrived at the end time intersection of Destiny and Time; earth is being stirred and it's being AWAKENED; the Church is Uniting; the goal line is in sight, and God is requiring more. Huh? To reach that place, that Holy place where exploits are beyond what anyone has ever seen, that place where Holy and Glory collide, that place of Miracles, Signs and Wonders, that place where no one has ever been, that place reserved for the "now" Rapture generation, that place of purity and His presence ... we're getting there, as we pray more, give more, love more, reach more, hunger more, let go of more, climb more, and then ... we get more! There's no waiting until tomorrow, no time more acute and pressing than now, and He's looking for some desert inhabitants, some brook waiters, some cave dwellers, some who will "come away" with Him and hear, see, receive, and be possessed of The Almighty omnipotent God ... We are between God's face and His fury ... a place called Miracles, Signs and Wonders ...

You say, "What are you talking about?" I'm talking about ALL Christians, and the call to "enter in" a Holy place with God. We have reached a place of phenomenal Glory and devastating terror; we will see Spirit upon all flesh ... and it's happening all over the world, over 580 million and counting, have received the Holy Ghost and spoken with tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance. Trouble will come, but a mighty worldwide revival will also come; Ezekiel 38 and 39 are on the horizon, but God will gather the Harvest through His Church, through His anointed, through His called and chosen. We are in the WAR of our lives ... for SOULS, and VICTORY in the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST!
There's cause to rejoice! We are living in the days of the Spirit of Jesus Christ being poured out in every Nation, kindred, and tongue. One word describes it, "HALLELUJAH!" It means, "I give my whole being to Jehovah!" Sing it, shout it, dance it! ALL flesh, who come to Jesus Christ, receive His Spirit, and are baptized in His name will experience powerful VICTORY, and will be singing HALLELUJAH!
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)
Pastors Kenneth and Wanda Phillips
(He's teaching the Nations to sing Hallelujah!)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am
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prays for you and loves you every day!
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God Bless you, dear one, and I know He will!
PromiseLand Church!
We expect and we "see" Miracles!
Thank you for visiting "God's blog," and May the Lord hold you in His
hands and keep you safe! Please come back!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
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