"For everyone born of God overcomes the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the
world, even our faith."
(1 John 5:4)
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the
sword of the Spirit, which is the word
of God."
(Epesians 6:17)
The War is on! Huh? We have entered into the last days before the Rapture of the Church, the battle of Armageddon, the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ... and so, the Battle is on; you don't think the Church is just going to waltz into heaven, do you? No, no, we're in for the fight of our lives ... it's called the emergence of power in the soldiers of Christ, the thing that separates the fighters from the quitters, the rise of the Spirit of God dwelling in God's people ... "The Strength Of Faith."

The enemy, satan, and his cohorts, are on the move to kill, steal, and destroy the newborn lambs of God, the newly born again and saved; they're on the prowl to take down, even the elect, if they can; they're attacking and foraging the blessings of God coming down. So, what do we do? We institute the plan of "Health, Wealth and Warfare," by 'unsheathing our swords,' by knowing and using the Word of God, which is our sword, and by wearing the full armor of God. This is not a game; we are in for the fight of our lives, and it's a spiritual battle, won by prayer, battling in the Spirit, fasting, consecration, power in the Holy Ghost, being covered with His blood, flaming the Name of Jesus Christ, and walking in the Spirit, so we do not give way to the lusts of the flesh ... It is a war for holiness ...
"He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of
salvation on his
head; he put on the garments of vengeance and
wrapped himself in zeal as in a
(Isaiah 59:17)

Rise up, O Warrior, and fight the good fight of faith! We're not alone in this war; we have innumerable angels at our beck and call, that is, if we're prayed up, filled up, washed up, girded up, anointed up, Worded up ... you get the picture; we can't fight a battle if we're not in the army. What? The army of God has requirements: Repent, be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. Now ... You're in the army and you can call on the angels for help. Thank You, Lord! There are battles in the heavenlies, battles in earth, battles in the Spirit, battles for your soul, battles to hinder our answers, battles for our children and families, battles against the truth, battles against the Word, battles to thwart the gospel ... it's WAR, my friends, and we must be fully armored, without fear, strong in the Lord and the power of His might; we must mount up as Eagles, and STAND with our sword, the Holy Bible, and in the Spirit ... the Holy Ghost!

"You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great," as it says in 2 Samuel 22:36. If that doesn't lift you up, "you is daid." Daid .. DEAD! It's no time to be dead; we must be awake, alert, and lapping the water from our hands as we watch for the enemy.
"He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,
in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made
me into a polished arrow and concealed
me in his quiver."
(Isaiah 49:2)
Fight, Fight, Fight for your health, your wealth, and your warfare. We shall overcome; we will conquer; the horns of the altar will be our station; the Word will be our weapon; the Spirit will be our wisdom; and we will go forth and win ... How do we know we win? We've read the back of the Book! What should be the word for this hour? CHARGE! We have the Lion of the tribe of Judah on our side, and we're headed for the Kingdom; we're beckoned by the aromas of the Garden; the Rivers of Life glisten in our peripheral vision; the white horses are pawing the ground for the triumphant ride; and the Angel has the trumpet to his mouth ... We're on the Home stretch ...
Speaking of Angels ... It will take only ONE Angel to cast satan into the Lake of Fire, just one. We have multitudes of Angels assisting in this war, so we have nothing to fear; we have our God; we have polished and donned our equipment; we Eagles have soared into position; we are ready for Victory! We know the Angels have our backs; the Lord of Lords and King of Kings goes before us; the Word is our "tank;" the armies are the Saints of the living God; and the One who knows all things has already laid out the battle plan. March on ...
This thing called Life is really a battleground; it's a ferocious fight between spirit and flesh; a warring between the Word and the world; it's satan's last stand before he goes down; it's the tribulation of the Saints; it is a blood battle for souls; it is the emerging of the LION; it is "The Strength Of Faith."
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~
We'll pray with You, as You pray with us! Please send
us your requests and if you would like to sow seed into holy blessed ground, please give online @ promiselandchurch.net. Thank You, and may God richly bless You;
I know that He most surely will!
FAITH will sustain us; FAITH will
help us; FAITH will ready us;
FAITH will assure that we Endure to the End!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}
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