"And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless
thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt
be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and
curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all
families of the earth be blessed."
(Genesis 12:2-3)
How many of us are still waiting? Waiting for what? Waiting for a promise to be fulfilled, waiting for the blessing breathed into our spirits, waiting for that gut feeling to be manifested, waiting for that one to do their part so we can do our part, waiting to do what our hearts say we will do, waiting for that Word to be manifested, waiting for the dream groaning in our souls to Awaken, waiting ... It's called "The Waiting Game."

Humans are not good at waiting; we like drive-thru fast food, fast service, fast appointments; we want everything to happen NOW; we want it to occur "lightning" fast. With God, however, a day is as a thousand years! What? Yeah, we're dealing with the Master and Creator of "Wait." In the realm of mathematics, it's a model in which the participant has partial control. Ah, sounds a little like us and God, doesn't it? Actually, if we are absolutely honest, and we are totally surrendered to our Lord Jesus Christ, we have no control; He's the driver; we're just along for the ride! That lightning fast answer rarely happens. Why? It's a process of molding, trusting, learning, growing, stretching, bowing, climbing, becoming, rising, and believing ...

The Bible is full of them, those who waited: Joseph, accused falsely and thrown in prison to "wait;" Job, sitting in the dust covered with boils, having lost all of his children, his servants, his assets, and his health, and now he is just "waiting" to die; Elijah, in deep depression hiding and "waiting" in a cave, thinking he was the only prophet left; Abraham, told he would be the father of many nations, but Sarah was barren, and he "waited;" Noah "waited" over a hundred years while he built the Ark, and then he "waited" a year in the Ark after the flood before he could leave it; and then there was David, who "waited" knowing his son would have to die because of his sins with Bathsheba, he "waited" about 15 years from the time he was first anointed by Samuel to the time he became king over Judah, and then it was another seven years before he was anointed king over all of Israel, so David waited over 20 years of his life to be made King. The list continues with the Bible examples in the game of "Wait."

Are you in the game? You say, "I don't like that, this is not a game; I am really tired of waiting." I hear you, but we are "all" waiting for something, someone, some way, some amount, some day, some hope, some sign, some wonder, some miracle, some deliverance, some Word ...
"Whoever keeps a fig-tree will have its fruit; and the servant
waiting on his master will be honored." Proverbs 27:18
"And those who have knowledge of Your Name will put their
faith in You; because You, Lord, have ever given Your help
to those who were waiting for You." Psalms 9:10
"And so, as the result of patient waiting, our forefather
obtained what God had promised." Hebrews 6:15
"And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles; in the
knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting. And
waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: and hope
does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His
love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has gven us."
(Romans 5:4-5)

There, we have it; stalwart people who waited, a sampling of some mighty and powerful scriptures encouraging us while we "abide," and you're nervously reading this thinking, "Hurry up with it, already!" Uh huh, we're the laser generation that seeks a zap, a whiff, a whim, and a wisp, when God is desiring a walk, a wallow, a wander, a want, and a wait in His designated desert places of higher learning and wisdom ... They're just a "wait" away ...
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as
eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and
and they shall walk, and not faint."
(Isaiah 40:31)
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org.)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~
Please send us your prayer requests, and NOW is the time to
sow seed into holy blessed ground! Miracles are happening,
Glory is falling; please go to promiselandchurch.net and give
a love offering online. May God bless you, and I know He will!
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graphic text generator}
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