"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 4:7)
Oh, the stirrings and moving in one's mind that bring questions and feelings of worry and fret. Then, along comes the whisper of the Lord to the soul He holds in His arms, and suddenly it's kismet. It doesn't come easy, this soothing of the heart and mind, for it requires prayer, fasting and time. For it's an ascension through galaxies and heavens, to reach the throne room; it's a kneeling elusive climb.
"Take me I'm Yours," is our beckoning cry, to our Savior and King
who reaches for us, as we bow to rise
It's repentance and entering into the Holy place, as we cast
off earth's "dust" and sin's disguise

Rivers of beauty fill our souls, as we bask in ethereal holiness, the
likes of which have never been told
It cannot be described; it's beyond understanding; it's past human
deciphering; Oh, it's Glory to behold

He stands with His loving arms open wide, ready to fill you with
His Spirit, and cause your turmoil to cease
For if you rest in Jesus; you can sleep in the storms; He is your
answer and the end to your "Search For Peace."
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org.)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~
God bless you, please send us your prayer
needs, and if you would like to sow seed in Holy
fertile ground, please give a love offering online
@ promiselandchurch.net. Thank You, and the
Lord will bless you abundantly!
You must be born again, of the water and
of the Spirit! Repent, and be baptized "in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ," and be filled with the Holy Ghost,
and speak in tongues as The Spirit of God gives
you utterance! Ask the Lord to fill you with His
Spirit and begin to praise Him and thank Him;
He will! The Rapture could happen any moment!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}
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