Friday, February 19, 2016

"When Jesus Lingers"

"After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, 
most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep; 
then He appeared  to James, then to all the apostles;…"
(I Corinthians 15:6,7)

There would be no doubt that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, for
 He planned His stay for 40 days, so all would know 
He had to reassure His own that He always keeps His promises;
 His Word is sure; He would prove it and then go
The proof lives on in the Spirit dwelling within us; it's the Holy
 Ghost and fire that is shut up in our bones
All who are filled with His Spirit and speak in tongues know He's
 alive; it's evident in the ethereal Spirit zones
We hear Him; we love Him; we know Him, and He lingers with us
 even now, as we await His coming for His Bride
It's all over the countenances of those who belong to Him; it's His
 name written in our souls, and it's hard to hide
He appeared to His chosen after the resurrection and He appears
 to us in Spirit, with every breath we take in Him
It's real, this Holy Ghost and fire; it floods our souls with Joy and
 fills us with His very essence; it's not a whim
His Spirit in us is Glory dwelling in mortal souls, a deposit of our
  eternal Home that we're soon to encounter
We must hold fast to His promises and His lingering presence in
 this time of earthly terror; we must not flounder
His hovering Spirit lets us know we are never alone; He said He
 would never leave nor forsake us; His Word is true 
That whisper in the moonlight, and that love we feel in Spirit is the
 abiding love that is reserved for me and you
When He awakens us in the early morn; it's to remind us to stay
  alert, for He's preparing us for our promised flight
It may be morning, night, or noon, but we'll fly like eagles to meet
 Him in the sky; we'll suddenly be gone, out of sight
He never promised an easy road, here in our earthly "dust," but a
  way of escape is His promise before the door closes
One day He will inhale and His Spirit will leave this evil world; it
 will be an exodus for His own, like the day of Moses
We will not sojourn in a desert though; it will be a flight to the
 portals of paradise, with angels as our hosts
It's wise then, for all who will, to repent, be baptized in the name
 of Jesus Christ and be filled with the Holy Ghost
We feel the impetus of His promise as our hunger for Him grows,
 and His choir increases with more and more singers
He's hanging around earth, in Spirit, as the clock ticks down and
 we know the end is near; it's "When Jesus Lingers."

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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas 
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:00 pm
~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayer needs, and if you 
would like to sow seed in holy good and fertile
ground, please give your love offering @  Thank you, 
and may God richly bless you; I know He will!


Coming Feb. 21st, 10:30 am, Pastor Jonathan Stringfellow!
Live streaming @!


PromiseLand Church!
We feel the lingering presence of Jesus Christ, 
here and now; soon we'll live with Him forever!


{Special thanks to for the use of
graphic text generator}

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