Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Coming in the Winds"

"Awake, O north wind; and come, you south; blow upon
my garden, that its spices may flow out..."
(Song of Solomon 4:16)

Come, my love, my Lord; let Your breath softly skim
the cheeks of Your bride so fair
Her garments are white and ready for her bridegroom;
as Your south wind caresses her hair
O, You're her love, her King, and she dances with glee
at the thought of Your arrival
The engagement's been so long; she's longing for Your
presence to fulfill this betrothal
In breezes of fragrant scents, Your visits entice Her
waiting love, and cause her to dance
The eternal lover of her soul is coming; she scans the skies
for Her beloved, with every fleeting glance
Come, Lord Jesus, she cries; "Maranatha" is her song,
 and the reason for her pleas
It's the craving of His Bride in the throes of rabid worship,
as she skips and leaps among the leas
The weaving of her waltz, and billowing of her scarves,
beckon the winds to bring forth her love
Her heart beats with loving passion, for the whispers of her
soul, carried by wafts from above
O, South wind blow, and carry my Lord to the ready air in
waiting, and catch away Your Bride
She's prepared her Hope Chest; it's full of earthly treasures,
it's time, now,  for her groom by her side
O, Lord, she'll dance in the glories of Your splendor, as
she breathes in Your power and wonder
Your brightness and glory have adorned her with beauty beyond
measure; her praises shout with thunder
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, is the echoing urgent sound from
earth; the created "dust" is impatient
The wondering world is noticing Your bride's cries; they're so
boisterous, flagrant and blatant
She's become so conspicuous in her songs of worship, and
the world seeks to know the cause
While heaven's curious angels lean over the banisters, their
feathery wings clapping in ethereal applause
It's simple, the bride gladly says; it's time for the skies to open,
and the commotion the Groom will send
For when He comes, the rolling clouds will part; and He'll catch
away His bride; He's "Coming in the Winds."

(Visit and

Marriage Vow Renewal Feb. 14th, 10:30 am; Bible-Thon 
Feb. 17th - 21st; Pastor Jonathan Stringfellow Feb. 21st
10:30 am; City Wide Communion Service with Dr. Kie Bowman, Feb. 24th 7:00 pm! Don't miss a single minute of FEBRUARY 

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:00 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~

Please send us your prayer needs, and if you would 
like to sow into good ground, please give online @  God bless you, 
and I know that He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
We worship our Lord Jesus Christ!
He IS!  ...  "Coming in the Winds"


{Special thanks to for the use
of graphic text generator}

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