"And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the
bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him."
(Matthew 25:6)

It's no wonder when a soul looks in His eyes, with love returned in
worship, that His Spirit floods our beings
And, it's more than prickling chill bumps, tinglings, the rampage of
mortal emotions, and run amok feelings

No love can compare to our Savior's relentless mercy, love and
grace; we are humbled to our trembling knees
And, as we bow, we're mounting up like eagles, soaring in His
embrace, flying above snake lines, to lofty aeries

Oh, there's nothing like it; it's a lilt of the soul, diving to depths
and climbing to heights, in one swoop of delight
And the light floods our bodies in a miraculous consumption, of
the dregs from hopelessness, and darkness of night

It was "the experience;" from Acts 2 and 38, that joined us to
Jesus, and cleared us from all our sins and wrongs
Ah, it is beautiful, it's like awesome mystery, unfolded in a rush of
glory, the Word from above, in us; it's like a song
We're His Bride, His Church, His beloved, His creation, and the
"dust," whom our God died and arose loving
It's time to look up, O mighty Saints; the time is drawing nigh; the
trump will announce Him; "He's Coming!"
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org)
Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He's telling the world to get ready for the Bridegroom)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~
Bless You; your cares are our prayers! Please help us reach the
world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, by giving online @ promiselandchurch.net.
We are One in Passion, and One in Purpose loving the Lord and loving
His world! God Bless You, and I know He surely will!
PromiseLand Church!
We're praying, bringing in the Seed,
experiencing The Glory, and ready
for the Bridegroom!
experiencing The Glory, and ready
for the Bridegroom!
Thank You for visiting "God's blog!" Please
leave your comments and prayer needs at
the end of this post; I will be honored to pray
with you for Your miracle! Please come back!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
Loved This Dear Sister! This Is The Best Description I Have Seen Yet Of Life As A Christian. True, We Have Trials, But Yet His Glory Walks With Us Through Each Fire We Must Enter In Our Walk With Him. Yes, Please Remember Me And My Family In Your Prayers If Possible. The Last 5 Years Have Been An Awesome Battle With Health, Finances, And Just Trying To Walk Out My Calling. Pray What He Brings To Your Heart....<3'n Jesus Always,k.