whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light
that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and
the day star arise in your hearts."
(2 Peter 1:19)

"And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all
mankind together will see it. For the mouth
of the LORD has spoken."
(Isaiah 40:5)

The question is: Will we cooperate with Prophecy? Huh? The Lord spoke to me once in the prayer room and said, "Prophecy requires no belief." True prophecy will occur whether anyone believes it or not; the anointed prophetic Word of God will come to pass no matter what the "few," that rule earth, do. WE can change things, move things, change minds, change corrupt and immoral laws, by the power and authority of prayer, but Prophecy will reveal its light. God is baring His arm, or "going to battle" with the Nations who are against His Word, His laws, His morals, and HIM. No matter who we are in this world; our arms are too short to box with God! Every knee SHALL bow before Jesus Christ our Lord, either now, or later ... we might as well do it now! Prophecy says God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. That means He loves all flesh; it is His desire that we prosper and be in health, even as our souls prosper. The battle should not be with the One who loves You more than life itself; He created You, formed You, knew You from Your mother's womb ... He loves You eternally!

and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation."
(Isaiah 25:9)
You say, What day are you talking about?" Today! This is the day of salvation; this is the day of redemption; this is the day of grace; this is the time of God's favor; this is the day of open heavens and Spiritual outpourings; this is the day of miracles, signs and wonders; this is the day ... this is YOUR day! You are part of the "all flesh" He was talking about. All we have to do is repent sincerely of our sins, be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, and receive the Holy Ghost and speak in a language we do not know as His Spirit gives us the utterance. It's ours for the taking; it's ours if we just "Come unto Jesus." The prophetic involves You ... the "prophetic light" of God's Word is shining on YOU!

Prophecy waits for no man. It moves in portals of destiny's call; it marches to a voice beyond earth's decibels; it crashes through galaxies with the speed of "light;" One prophetic Word has the power to melt the earth; it moves in spirits of men and women today who have left the confines of earth in search of the confines of the eternal mind; it is simplistic in meaning but holds the depth and destiny of immortality; it's the mighty wrenching groans in a soul uninhibited; it has holy power beyond measure and it measures the human's power; it stands when all else falls; it IS a holy utterance; and it hibernates in postures like the four and twenty elders ...

"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other."
(Isaiah 45:22)

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. You say, "I've heard that for years." True, you've heard it over and over and people are mocking today, as prophecy dictated, "Where is the sign of His coming?" But, know this: IT WILL HAPPEN! How do we know? Prophecy said so, and the "Moment" is happening; the Holy Bible states it; the spiritual ones feel it; the prophetic today are voicing it; earth is preparing; The Church of the Lord is rising; the Nations are trembling; the heavens are rolling; the angels are warring; and the altars are burning! He's coming! Either get on board, or get run over! His Holy arm is bared; the Nations will see it; the earth will feel it; The Church will lead it; the Prophets will authorize it ... What? The New Church Order!
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org)
Please send us your prayer requests
at promiselandchurch.net
It's a fact; your cares are our prayers!
Blessings are coming down! Won't you consider
helping us take the gospel to the world with an
offering of love? It's so easy to give online @
promiselandchurch.net. PromiseLand Church is an
ongoing ministry of over 50 years. We have One head Pastor,
One unified Heart, One world Vision! Bless you, for
SEEING the Vision, and God surely will!
PromiseLand Church!

We have lived to see that WE are the generation of the Rapture of the Church; WE are the generation who will see the fulfillment of all things; WE are the generation for whom the LIGHT of Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. We dwell in much darkness today, but make no mistake, NOTHING stops the HOLY Word of Prophecy ... it is the Light of Prophecy that brings wisdom to a dark world!
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.org)
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
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Please send us your prayer requests
at promiselandchurch.net
It's a fact; your cares are our prayers!
Blessings are coming down! Won't you consider
helping us take the gospel to the world with an
offering of love? It's so easy to give online @
promiselandchurch.net. PromiseLand Church is an
ongoing ministry of over 50 years. We have One head Pastor,
One unified Heart, One world Vision! Bless you, for
SEEING the Vision, and God surely will!
We're telling the world to look to the Light,
our Lord Jesus Christ!
our Lord Jesus Christ!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}
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