Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Pie In The Sky"

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen."
(Hebrews 11:1)

Leaping out on nothing to catch the elusive fleeting rainbow, to obtain the unobtainable, to make possible the impossible, to grasp the unknown into the known, is tough; it's called faith.  Some would call this kind of faith ridiculous, gullible, and that it's like hoping for "Pie In The Sky."

"Faith is flying a kite with no strings attached.." 
(Pastor Kenneth Phillips)

It's the very foundation of all we believe; it's the stalwart stability in our wavering wondering minds; it is the Word hidden in our hearts; it's the strength when we're blinded to the vision; it's the foothold when our leaps have no ground; it bears us up when falling consumes us; it is the voice of reason when silence is prevailing; it lifts us to portals of glory in our fields of weeds posing as blooms; it is the impetus of beauty in the midst of dark moments of mist  ...  Faith  ...  gotta' have it, and gotta' have it like a little child, to please Him.  Him who? The Lord Jesus Christ and the One in whom faith is personified, our soon coming King, the Alpha and Omega, the Holy One of Israel, our Savior!

The Lord Jesus Christ holds out His hand to gather us unto Himself, and we go to Him by faith.  We give our hearts to Him; we're baptized in His name, and filled with the Holy Ghost, by faith, faith that the Holy Bible is true and the Spirit moving within us will preserve us, protect us, and that where He is, we may be also.  It's all by faith.  Everybody has a measure of faith, or you wouldn't enter a building without thinking it would collapse upon you, or you wouldn't fly in a plane, or do anything in this life, without tremendous fear.  We DO have faith in our surroundings, in our coming paychecks, in our continuing electricity, and the list goes on and on.  So, faith in God is just a step further.  We must believe that He IS, and He will reward us for our faith.

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to
God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek him."
(Hebrews 11:6)

Ah, it's a wonderful, elusive journey, this thing called Faith!  You say, "How could it be wonderful, not knowing where you're going or what's going to happen?"  That's just it; Faith is seeing where you're going when you can't see it, knowing where you're going when you don't know it, believing for your miracle when there's no evidence of it, knowing you're going up in the Rapture just because you've obeyed His Word, not doubting Jesus Christ will help you because you belong to Him, and standing on the Word that says "no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly before Him."  It's powerful, this thing called Faith!

Faith means going where no one's gone before sometimes; Faith is believing the voice of God when you've tested it and you know it was God; Faith strengthens us; Faith sees us through; Faith dries our tears; Faith says YOU can make it!  If the Word of God said it, we believe it!  We have example after example in the Bible of people walking by faith and making it, of people facing sure death, but they fasted and prayed, and by faith, they won!  Can we say it?  Say what?  "I will not bow to your idols; throw me in the furnace if you will, but I will not bow, because my Lord will deliver me.  But, even if He doesn't deliver me, I will not bow!"  What about Queen Esther?  She risked her life to save the Jews.  Ah, Faith!!

Hey, stand upon Your mountain and take it, by Faith!  What are you facing?  What are you going through?  We are secure in the Bible, by His Name, by His Blood, and By His Word!  We are defeated by the words of our own mouths.  "Can't" never did do nothin'!  With God on your side, you are a majority; with multitudes of angels flanking you, you have reinforcements; with the blood of Jesus and the stripes on His back, You ARE healed; with the anointed power of prayer over you, You will conquer.  You have to believe it!  Faith, Faith, Faith  ...  just a little bit of Faith!

It's a trek into the clouds, a staircase leading to the throne of God, a walk holding on to nothing until it becomes something, a blessed stroll through the place that pleases God most  ...  What?  Faith.  He loves it; He looks for it in everyone who serves Him; He tests us in it; He uses us to accomplish it; He increases it in us as we reach for more  ...  He loves it  ...  Faith. 

But, there's a catch.  Huh?  Faith has no banisters, no doorknobs, no handrails, no canes, no braces, no handles, "No Strings;" that's why it's called Faith  ...  Guess what?  "Pi is the Greek letter that stands for the relationship between the diameter of a circle, and the circumference of same. It's about 3.14159 and change. In other words, the distance AROUND a circle is about three times the distance Across that same circle, to the (edge to edge through the center).  This ratio is CONSTANT, no matter how big the circle."  Ah, there it is!  Jesus Christ sits upon the "circle" of the earth; He is Infinite, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, Eternal and Omnipotent  ...  We put our Faith in Him, so go ahead, say it!  You're just believing in "Pi" in the Sky. 

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He's winning the world, by Faith)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~


Pastor Phillips and Karen Phillips
Faith, Faith, Faith  ...  just a little bit of Faith!
We Believe in Miracles!  Thank You, Lord Jesus!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}

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