"We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is
prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve;
if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is
contributing to the needs of
others, let him give generously; if it is leadership,
let him govern diligently;
if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully."
(Romans 12:6-8) (See 1 Cor. 12 for spiritual gifts)
Natural and Spiritual Gifts
Seer{eyes} ~ Mercy{heart} ~ Ruler{head} ~ Ministry{hands}
Teaching{mind} ~ Exhortation{voice} ~ Giving{arms}
We are the body of Christ, born with natural gifts to bless others
all around; some are Seers/eyes
These are those with insight to size up people and situations; there
is no gray in them; they are quick to apprise
The Mercy/heart people are like those who give gifts of milk from
Milk From the Heart program
They have a heart likened to the One we serve, the Lord of Lords
and Kings of Kings, the Great I AM
Sheep must have a Shepherd, and herein is the Ruler/head, who
directs our path, and watches on the wall
He guards the sheep with all he has, protecting from the wolves,
and even from themselves, troubles to befall
The body must be touched with anointing from above, and this
comes from those of service, and of Ministry/hands
They touch the sick, and lay their hands upon the weary souls,
who just need someone to loose the bands
Many today are like the Apostle Paul, who are very detailed in
writing, and armed with a Teaching/mind
They live to impart the knowledge they have gained to all who
will listen, and become a product in kind
This is Nicholas Vujicic, who was born with no legs or arms; he
travels the globe, an Exhortation/voice
He's a preacher of the gospel spreading hope from a broken body,
but a golden soul, a rarity in earth's noise
The body of Christ couldn't make it without the ones who give, of
not only wealth, but their loving Giving/arms
They're like the Good Samaritan who binded up the bleeding, paid
his debt, and rescued him from further harm
We're the body of Christ, with natural and spiritual gifts
from birth and rebirth, to be the extension of the Lamb
To a waiting hurting world, who wants us each to determine,
within ourselves, the question of "Who I Am."
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~
Please send us your prayer requests and if you would
like to sow seed into holy ground, you may give love
offerings online @ promiselandchurch.net.
We love you 24 hours a day!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}
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