"And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast
found favour with God."
(Luke 1:30)

Mary was chosen to "give birth;" she was chosen to carry the promise; she was favoured above all to bring forth the kingdom for all; she was to bear God; she was counted above all women for a purpose that was above all purposes under heaven; she was "Favoured For Labor."
"Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and
bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS."
(Luke 1:31)
"Chosen" does not mean there is no pain, no groaning,
no "labor," no heartache, no "pushing," no questions,
no wonder, no trembling, no awe ... no aura of glory ...
Mary asked the angel, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" The angel told her that the Holy Ghost would overshadow her, and then he said, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." And Mary said those magnificent words, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." (Luke 1:34, 38)
There are three characteristics of "chosen" ones: "How can this be?" (they are not afraid to ask God; they ever seek knowledge); They're told those words of faith, "With God nothing is impossible." (they strongly believe); and "Be it unto me." (they're quick to be used of God). Chosen people are willing to accommodate the wishes of a mighty God; they are carriers of His burden; they move in the realms of godly purposes; they are not afraid of persecution; and they love deeply, so they give deeply.
Joseph, husband of Mary

Who is it that qualifies to be "Chosen?" Who doesn't? Are you breathing? Are you a believer in Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? It's not about how beautiful or handsome you are, how talented you are, how much money you have, your status in the community, or who you know in earth. It's about your heart ... your desire for truth ... the depth of your midnight longings ... the queries of your searching mind for the eternal God ... your love for the Savior of your soul ... your desire to wipe His feet with your hair ... your impetus to stand in the pasture, playing your harp and singing Him love songs ... it's about your soul ...
Woman taken in adultery
Mary Magdalene

You look at the Chosen and the anointed ones and You say, "Because of my past, I could never be one of the chosen." Mary Magdalene had seven devils before her conversion. When our sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ in repentance, they are gone. You are justified; it is "just as if" you had never sinned. How beautiful is the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in our lives!
The Church, the bride of Jesus Christ, is favoured and chosen. We are adorned with the Holy Ghost and power; our garments are decked with the splendor of our witness; our treasures are wrapped in the gifts of His Spirit; our fruits glow in the midnight of earth's terror ... we are chosen to "give birth."
"Give birth to what?" you ask. The Church gives birth to souls; the individual gives birth to intensive labor of a strategic and holy cause. "What are you talking about?" you ask. Just as individuals were selected and chosen for specific purposes in the Bible, like Moses, Noah, Abraham, Esther, Ruth, and Paul, so are we today. God always has a man, or a woman, called out for "birth" in prophetic realms and dimensions.

Are You chosen? Are you carrying a promise, a dimension, a kingdom goal, a Book of Revelation prayer, a timed outpouring, an endtime bloom ... a "birth?" Is Almighty God reaching for you as you reach for Him in prophecy? Are You the one carrying His timeclock to bring fulfillment? Are you the Chosen One, the One always praying, always daydreaming, always delving into God's silent places, always groaning in the Spirit? Is the finger of Immortality touching the mortality in You for divine prophetic culmination? ... "Favoured For Labor."
(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)
PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
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God bless you for joining us in worship! Please send us your
prayer requests, and if you would like to sow seed into holy ground,
you may give a love offering online @ promiselandchurch.net.
Thank you, and may the Lord's blessings be yours
during this season of celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ's birth!
It's the season of Miracles, the season that
He was born, died, and rose again, for YOU!
Come to JESUS CHRIST, repent of your sins,
be baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
for the remission of your sins, and receive the
Holy Ghost! Then, You can "expect" His blessings,
His presence, His love, His protection and His
promises for Your life and Your family!
{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}
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