Sunday, May 19, 2013

"Upper Rooms Rock!"

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they 
were all with one accord in one place.  And suddenly 
there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty 
wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of 
fire, and it sat upon each of them.  And they were all 
filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with 
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
(Acts 2:1-4)

The Lord God, Jesus Christ, commanded them, all of His Apostles and Mary (His mother) among the 120, to wait in the Upper room until they were endued with power from on high. (Acts 1:4,13)  That's why, when we know what went on there, we can only say, "Upper Rooms Rock!"

Upper Room

When we think of Upper Rooms, we think cobwebs, antiques, dust, dingy, dark  ...  and ghosts.  Well, we're right about the "Ghost" part  ... the Holy Ghost and fire!  And, hey, what happens in an Upper Room DOES NOT STAY in an Upper Room!  When the Holy Ghost is poured out, it spreads like wildfire.  A "ghost" is a spirit of a departed one; the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He will pour out on all flesh (Joel 2:28).

All around the world, in every Nation, kindred and tongue, people are speaking in tongues, as the Lord pours out His Spirit.  It is happening NOW!  It is the Spirit of God within us, when we are filled with His Spirit, that will raise us to meet the Lord in the air at the Rapture of the Church. (Romans 8:11)  It's the simplest and most beautiful thing that could ever happen to a human being!  Repent sincerely of all sins, begin to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will fill you with His Spirit!

Holy Ghost Infilling

Anywhere can be an Upper Room, and that means "anywhere" can rock with the power and Glory of God!  People have received the Holy Ghost in restaurants, on street corners, riding along in a truck, in homes, in parks, in stadiums  ...  anywhere there are hungry searching souls.  You can receive the Holy Ghost right now, while reading this blog.  All you have to do is repent of your sins, in a deeply honest and sincere manner, ask the Lord to fill you with His Spirit, praise Him and thank Him for His love for you, and tender mercies toward you.  Then, the next step is to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.  How do you know you have received His Spirit?  You will speak with tongues, or a language you have never learned.
You ask, "Why are 'tongues' important?"  The tongue, according to the Bible is the most wicked part of the body (James 3:6), and it contaminates the whole body, so when we are filled with the Spirit of Almighty God, and we speak in tongues, this is a taming or surrender of the most evil member of the body.  It is essential that you worship the Lord out loud, and while you are voicing your repentance and praise, words will come to your mind that you do not know  ...  just speak them out.  It will happen to you just like it did on the Day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts.
As you pray more, you will develop a prayer language, and you can eventually pray in tongues and sing in tongues.  The Apostle Paul said, "I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding ..."  He was stating he would pray in his own native tongue (his understanding) and he would pray in the Spirit (or in a tongue he did not understand).  When we are speaking in tongues, we are speaking directly to God; the enemy does not understand it, and cannot fight it. 
"For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but 
my mind is unfruitful."
(I Corinthians 14:15)

It is the most beneficial and refreshing thing one can do, to pray in tongues.  After one is first filled with the Holy Ghost (the evidence of the Spirit), one can develop and mature in his/her prayers and pray in the Spirit (or tongues) for hours.  "What is the advantage of that?" you ask.  Sometimes we don't know what to pray for; we are just mortal humans, and when we are praying in tongues, our spirit is praying.  Children can, and have, received the Holy Ghost and spoken with tongues.  The Spirit of Jesus Christ seeks to dwell in every human being in planet earth.  

Before long, the "world" will be an Upper Room!  Over 580 million people all over this globe have received the Holy Ghost and spoken with tongues  ...  and it's growing minute by minute.  You say, but I'm Baptist, Russian, Chinese, Muslim  ...  and the list can continue with countries, specific faiths or doctrines  ...  but, these things do not deter the Lord Jesus Christ.  He will fill anyone, everyone, with His Spirit, when they repent of their sins, and ask Him into their lives, and to fill them with the Holy Ghost.  It is a promise!

Do you want the fire, the power, the peace, the Joy, the guidance, the insight, the Gifts of the Spirit, and the attributes of the Spirit?  Life can give us a certain amount of happiness, but true JOY comes from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Have you ever felt ecstatic soaring JOY, phenomenal peace like gentle breezes on a cool sunny day, faith that you could endure whatever comes against you, love that holds you and never leaves you, calm that passes all understanding, and an assurance of no fear of death?  These are just a minute glimpse of what the Holy Ghost brings to your life!

"You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by 
the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.  And if anyone does not
have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."
(Romans 8:9)

Those are pretty strong words, aren't they?  How do we know we have the Spirit of Christ?  We will speak with tongues as His Spirit gives the utterance.  You say, "I don't know if my family would approve of that, because I wasn't raised that way."  This is not an encouragement to go against those you love, but the Bible says we must all "work out our own soul's salvation with fear and trembling."  We, each, stand before God alone  ...  not with our family, not with our Pastor, not with our boyfriend or girlfriend, not even with our husband or wife or children  ...  we stand alone before God Almighty.  Prayer is from our own heart, our own lips, our own spirit, rising to the eternal Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  If you are reading this and you feel a tugging at your soul, a moving within you to pray and seek the face of God, do it!  He is waiting and ready to fill YOU!

Make wherever you are a place of God's power, His love, His Joy, His peace, and you'll discover, like half a billion others have, that "Upper Rooms Rock!"

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Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He's taking Pentecost to the entire World!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
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