Sunday, February 13, 2011

                         LOVE DIES

What a way to commemorate Valentine's Day, Love Dies?  Couples who have been married 50 or 60 years know what I'm talking about.  Dedicated Pastors know what I'm talking about.  Jesus Christ, our Lord, knows what I'm talking about.  Love Dies. 

Real love denies itself to prefer another.  Real love sacrifices its own desires to bless someone else.  Our service men and women perform real love and they die to themselves and their own families for our freedom, and some of them have taken it to the ultimate and died physically.  We could never be thankful enough. 

Treating people fairly and justly; being merciful to those who don't deserve it; and humbling ourselves before a mighty God are all a dying love.  How can we love someone who doesn't deserve it?  Why should we pray for the souls of cruel dictators?  What does it benefit us to clean out our pantries to feed a homeless one?  All of these are legitimate questions, and the answer is "Love Dies."  Love decreases our ego and increases the peace in another soul.

There are multitudes of lonely people on Valentine's Day, people with no spouse, soldiers away from home, orphans with no parents, lost souls with no Savior, and the disheartened with no hope.  When we forsake ourselves, we die out to the very thing that plagues our fighting, hate-filled, rioting world, and we suddenly lift the spirit of an entire planet called Earth.  And, it's done One by One.

Happy Valentine's Day, and I say "let SELF Die;"  in dying out to ourselves, we promote real Love and the greatest thing of all, Life in another soul!
                                                                                         By Sheryl Fowler
(Visit; PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas)

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