The finite mind cannot comprehend the limitless
chasms of a God mind of infinity
Your scope of thought has no range, no end, no barrier,
from which mortality has an affinity
We search to know, O God, the intricacies of wisdom
beyond our reasoning capacity
Though the realms of human "dust" have boundaries, we
seek with a hungry longing audacity
Show us Your Glory, Your wisdom, Your power, Your
face and Your essence, we cry
All the while, You say, "Behold My form and cover
Your unknowing eyes, as I walk by"
You've called us apart, to a separation of growth; it's a
preempt to "birth" for the end time
And, it's alone on the crag where we receive the
insight and the strength for the climb
Omnipotent and Holy, full of mystery and aura, are
the shadows of Your mystique
In this darkness of moon calls, we are drawn to Your
holiness, in new hunger to critique
Come closer, O Lord, in more intimate communion;
it's the reason you brought us here
The inner tapestries of You are the fabrics of our desire,
that we are so longing to be near
In the aerie's dampness and cold, our prayers echo in
loneliness, where only You are our source
You must get us quiet and away from the crowd, to show
us Your will, in a manner not forced
So, we yield to Your Spirit and enter in to the solitude,
waiting for Your whispers and orders
It's not hard to hear You in this place, for all the sounds
bounce from rock to rock, on these corridors
With the touch of slight wind upon our furrowed brows,
we strain for more, with hearts of craving
Your presence is too profound for such brief intervals
of wisdom, for prophets now in waiting
Give us a foretaste of entrance to Your Glory and show
us the vision, as we abide for tomorrow
We shall emerge with knowledge and a view of glory,
when we leave this place we've borrowed
Grant us Your door into our existence of watching
for our Lord, and the Lion who's coming
And give us a foretaste of eternity's ecstasy of Your
presence forever, a thought so stunning
It's a promenade of Your Holy Word, as it hovers in our
spirits, and then settles in our hearts
It brings a barrage of desire, as we pray for ways to draw
nearer, for more of You to impart
It's a preempt to "birth," this apex dwelling that You
have called us to, and drawn us away
We are set apart to "groan" deeper in the auspices of
Your mind, and to this we pray
For we are in love, dear Lord, with the Savior of the
world, and the Redeemer of mankind
It's a love beyond reason, stemming from the very God of
wonder, that all men can find
We gladly enter this place of mist and auras, and we kiss
the noisy world 'goodbye,' with wonder
Then we behold the higher, and partake of Your mystery
on the peak of learning, called "HUNGER!"
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PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
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Lord Jesus Christ! Please send us your
prayer needs and if you would like to sow
seed into holy blessed ground, you may
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God bless you, and I know He will!
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