Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Remnants of Visitation"

The Lord Jesus Christ hung around after the resurrection for 40 days, appearing to many, the first of whom was Mary Magdalene. Then, He appeared to the two Mary's and Salome, who were coming to anoint His body, not knowing that He had risen from the dead.  Why did He stay in earth those forty days?  He wanted to make sure they knew He was alive; He wanted to increase their faith; He wanted to confirm His word to them; and He wanted to leave something behind when He finally would leave them.  Holy visitations of God always leave something of value; it's a thing that is sacred, highly treasured, destiny driven, impact understood, "birth" indicated, and far-reaching.  When the angel visited Mary, the mother of Jesus, she suddenly was thrust into a new dimension, a place where no one had ever been or will ever be  ... To carry Almighty God in one's womb is to succumb to immortal and ethereal heights before one's time; it is the entrance into the light while one sits in darkness; it is the infilling of the unknown into the known; it is "unspeakable and full of glory."

Moses and the burning bush

God visits us in a multitude of ways.  With Mary, it was an angel; with Moses, it was a burning bush.  It can be a bird flying over your head while standing in freezing cold in Ravensbruck prison camp as all the women around you are being severely hurt, as it was for Corrie ten Boom.  She was a Dutch Christian, who, with her father and other members of her family, helped many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II.  She was sent to the concentration camp, and while there, experienced many despicable things; she was later released through a God-ordained "administrative error" and all the women her age were executed the week after her release. 

For Corrie, this particularly freezing morning, when she felt she could not go on, her loving mighty God sent one lone bird flying closely over her head, while beatings, screaming and horror was taking place on all sides.  This destined bird was very beautiful, flying majestically and gracefully above her, a reminder that beauty can exist in the darkest of places when the Lord Jesus Christ is the Master of our souls.  The terror of the world becomes opaque when we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ.  And, Corrie's bird "visitation," sent by God, gave her peace in the midst of evil and gave her "hope."

Abraham's visitation

Abraham's visitation brought a miracle; Sarah was told she would have a child "at the time of life."  God's visitations have a holy result, and they constitute a "birth."  "A birth of what?" you ask.   Whatever was left from the visit  ...  it depends on the "substance of the soul" being visited  ...  Huh?  What lies lurking in the heart and soul of one who seems to stare off into space in the midst of a noisesome crowd?  What is on the mind of one who never seems to be in the "present," but 'dreams' dreams in the daytime?
Elijah, fed by ravens

The prophet Elijah happened on the scene when the most wicked of all was ruling, Ahab.  The Bible says, "Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel who were before him."(I Kings 16:33)  He allowed the worship of Baal to spread unchecked throughout Israel.  Then came the arrival of the bold prophetic Elijah, announcing to Ahab that there would be no rain.  Smug Ahab did not realize that three years would pass before he would see rain again.  The truth of Elijah's prophecy would come to pass, the sinful nation would have their eyes opened to Elijah's God, and the years without rain would end with a showdown at Mount Carmel with the prophets of Baal.

In the meantime, God told Elijah to hide himself by the brook Cherith.  He was alone with nothing but a brook for his water supply, and he would be fed by ravens every day  ...  it was a God ordained visitation  ...

God has a "brook visitation" for many of us.  He hides you away, feeds you with His provision  ...  a raven of sorts  ...  You're taught in a desert-like existence about what it is to depend and "wait" totally on God.  While the world seemingly moves along with its feasts, human gatherings, plans and performance  ...  but, here you are  ...  at the brook, waiting for the next raven's flight, alone with nothing but the whistle of the seasonal winds, your spiritual water supply, and God.  The "remnants" of the brook will be the 'birth' of your visitation and the depth of your soul when you come forth  ...  and you "will" come forth  ... 

Mary and Elisabeth

The "Birth!"  There "will" be a Birth, if you have been visited with promise.  You say, "I don't have any idea what you are talking about."  I understand, but maybe this is meant only for some  ...  perhaps this writing is only for those brook dwellers, moon gazers, dawn prayers, remnant carriers, promise bearers, patient dreamers, and birth givers  ...

It will come to pass at "the time of life," when the figs burst forth, when the bit of meal is multiplied in the barrel, when the seventh dip is complete  ...  when the ravens have stopped coming  ...  O, Lord Jesus, what we need is a Preponderance of power, an Awakening of Birth, a Spiritual consolation, an abundance of Rain, an explosion of Your presence   ...   a Holy Visitation  ...



   (Visit and

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He preaches to the nations, taking 
the Lord Jesus Christ to the entire world!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~~~Live  Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Thank you for joining us at PromiseLand!  Miracles and blessings

 are abounding, and we're praying with you for Your Miracle!
If you would like to sow seed into holy blessed ground, you may
 give online @  God bless you, 
dear one, and I know He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
We pray the anointing of God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 
will reign in every human in every nation of the world!
Be filled with His Spirit and baptized in His name!


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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


"And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat."
(I Kings 19:5)

The Prophet Elijah was fleeing for his life from Jezebel; he left his servant at Beer-sheba and then went a day's journey into the wilderness and collapsed under a Juniper tree, where he requested of the Lord that he die.  But, the Lord wasn't about to let him die, because he was about to have an "Encounter."

"And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake
baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at
his head.  And he did eat and drink and laid
him down again.  And the angel of the Lord
came again the second time, and touched him,
and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is
too great for thee."
(I Kings 19:6-7)
Elijah rose and ate and he was able to go forty days and forty nights on the food the angel gave him until he arrived at Horeb, the Mount of God.  Hey, angels' banquets are far beyond those "energy drinks" and mighty "protein bars;" angels' food is "manna" from heaven!  

Elijah wasn't looking for an angel or an out of this world kind of encounter; he wanted to die.  How many of us have reached the end of our ropes and we think it is over.  It's not Over until God says it's Over!  Furthermore, we must ask ourselves; do we live our lives, as Christians, as lovers of God, in such a way that at any moment in time "We" could have, and could be eligible for, an elusive powerful and mysterious "Encounter?"  You say, "Angels don't do that kind of thing anymore."  I beg to differ; angels are all around us; they intervene for us every moment of every day; they fight for us, protect us, and hover over us in the operating rooms, on the highways  ...  that swish of air and flash of light in our peripheral vision are feathered guardians of our souls.  Many have 'seen' angels, and we must be ever aware of strangers; "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." (Hebrews 13:2)  How many ethereal angel "Encounters" have we had and we didn't know it  ...

                                        "And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there;
and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and
he said unto him, 'What doest thou here, Elijah?"
(I Kings 19:9) 

The great and mighty Prophet Elijah hid in a cave.  Even the most notable of us have our moments .  Life in earth can be treacherous for all of us at times; we have all seen our trials, fought disease, defended our stance, felt humiliation, been let down, been hurt, and thought about a cave  ...  This world we live in is full of despair, but in our moments of a "cave existence;" we have to remember that we are not alone if we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, He's in the cave with us  ...

When the Lord of the universe asks, "What are you doing here;"  it's more of a stern reprimand.  Elijah told the Lord that the children of Israel had forsaken His covenants, thrown down His altars and killed all the prophets, and that he, Elijah, was the only one left, and they wanted to kill him too.  Then, the Lord told Elijah what to do, and herein is what "WE" must do when we're ready to escape life and hide in a cave:  

         "And he said Go forth, and stand upon the mount before 'the Lord.
             And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great strong wind rent the
              mountains, before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after
              the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after
               the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a
still small voice."
(I Kings 19:11-12)

Go to the mountain, children; go to a place of seclusion, a high place away from the noise, the sounds of earth, the loud clattering interruptions of life  ...  and seek to hear the still small voice.  God is All Power, All Glory, All Wonder, The Omnipotent and Holy, but sometimes He speaks in a whisper  ...  Don't miss "Your" encounter  ... 

Elijah discovered that things are not always as bad as they seem, and with God on our side, we are a majority!  The days of God's visitation are not over; the alluring smell of roses in the holy sanctuary has not ceased; the soft brush of angels' wings on tear-stained cheeks can still be felt; the holy smoke hovering in the tabernacle still occurs; the miracles, signs, and wonders are ever evident today; the hot coals from the altar still touch quivering lips and burst with tongues of fire; the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ still washes white the souls of men.  In other words, "Encounters" are all around us  ...

Encounters occur in the pastures with the tinkling lilt of the gentle harp, on the misty mountain top where eagles are spotted soaring effortlessly among the clouds, in a lone silent sanctuary bowed low at a hallowed altar of sacrifice, in the early morning darkness with the light of the moon glinting through the thickness of drapery  ...  Encounters are the unexpected sacred arrival of surprising glory from the ONE who knows our thoughts before we think them  ... 

Once You begin new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, He assigns "His staff" to You for the entirety of life and You are never alone, never forsaken, never forgotten, but always, ever and always, ripe for Your "Encounter." 

(Visit and

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(His Vision is the World!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~

Please go to and send us your
prayer requests; your cares are our prayers!  If 
you would like to sow a seed in good ground, please
give your love offering online.  God bless you, 
dear one, and I know that He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
Its's not just a Church; it's a World Vision!


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Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Sing the Sermon; Preach the Song!"

Must learn to sing our sermons and preach our songs."
(Pastor Kenneth Phillips) 

"And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold,
I have delivered the land into his hand."
(Judges 1:2)

Profound, isn't it?  What?  Singing a sermon!  Why not?  Judah goes up first  ... that's praise, so praise Him in the sermon, praise Him in the dance, praise Him in the worship, praise Him in the song, praise Him with your voice, praise Him with your uplifted waving arms, praise Him  ...  Praise Him   ...   PRAISE Him!  He Lives; Jesus Christ Lives!  The creative deepened avenue of the seasoned prophetic preacher would do it.  He would do what?  He would do 'A new thing' for the last lap, like: "Sing the Sermon; Preach the Song!

When you're singin' the sermon, be prepared for dancin'  ... It will be a toe-tappin', soul swayin', spirit dancin', body movin', aisle shakin', ivory-ticklin' kind of thing!  Huh?  You know how it is  ...  we just can't help it when that holy music gets to us  ... the tempo calls to the feet and the notes jangle the soul  ... it's called Worship and Praise to our mighty God, Jesus Christ!  And, be careful not to murmur at it, because when David danced before the Lord, his wife ridiculed him and ended up barren.  God receives each individual's worship with open arms.  Some bow; some sit with hands turned upward; some stand with honor and gratitude; some cry tears of joy; some laugh and shout; some smile with quiet thankfulness; and some Dance with uninhibited abandonment!   The moral of the story:  Dance, children, Dance!

Hey, there are a lot of songs that PREACH!  Can I get a witness?  Like, it's time to flood heaven with praise and worship, so "Everybody Get Up!;" we're "Goin' to the Enemy's Camp To Take Back What He Took From Me;" because "Amazing Grace" is my middle name now, so "Make Way for the King;" we're headed for "The New Jerusalem," so just say "Hallelujah Anyhow" when troubles come your way, because you know you're "Crucified With Christ," and "Our God Is An Awesome God;" and "There's A Reason" we're enduring to the end; it's because of His "Amazing Love," and "Ain't No Grave Gonna' Hold My Body Down;" should be your motto, because you can testify each day "He's Grown More Dear," and don't worry about the night, because "There's A Little Bit O' Mornin' Outside."

We have come to the powerful and amazing time of the new Tabernacle of David  ...  Worship, Worship, Worship!  Preach that Song, Sing that Sermon, dance the Word, and enter in.  Huh?  It's a new day, a new thing, a new chord, a new order, a new climate, a new depth, a new sound, a new aroma rising from earth  ...

It's the Wedding Song of the Bride, the lilt of words flowing to the One whom she loves, because the day is drawing near, and when we're in love, things get a little turned around, because love makes us "Sing the Sermon; Preach the Song!"


(Visit and

Pastors Kenneth & Wanda Phillips
(They're singin' the sermon  ... and PREACHIN' the song!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~

Whatever Nation you're in; wherever you are in the
world, know this!  We love you; we pray for you;
we hold you up before the Lord every day!  Bless 
you, dear one, and if you would be so kind as to 
help us reach the world with the gospel of our 
Lord Jesus Christ, please give online @ Thank you, and our 
God will surely bless you!


Jesus Christ IS Alive and reigning!
He's coming back!


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