Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Water the Camels!"

"But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred,
and take a wife unto my son Isaac."
(Genesis 24:4)

Abraham called his servant and told him that he did not want his son, Isaac, to marry a Caananite, but he wanted Isaac to take a wife of his kindred.  So, he sent his servant to Mesopotamia, the city Nahor, to obtain a wife for his son.  The servant arrived at the well at the evening time, when the women came out to draw water, and he had his camels kneel down, and the servant prayed that the God of Abraham would send a damsel who would offer to give him drink and would also offer to water all of his camels.  It happened exactly as he prayed; Rebekah, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, arrived with her pitcher upon her shoulder.  It's interesting, isn't it, that the servant prayed that she not only give him water, but that she would water his ten camels also!  The underlying thought is that she should be a hard worker, an "extra miler," a giver, a compassionate one, one who sees the need before she's told, a visionary of sorts, a woman who would see beyond herself.  It was a lot of work to go back and forth to that well over and over to water 10 thirsty camels, one by one  ...  she was ambitious, strong, and giving  ...  

The servant's specific prayer answered
by Rebekah's arrival
Specific prayers receive specific answers.  Huh?We don't just ask for "a job;" we detail it, list our own unique qualifications, and even the particular company we want to work for; we don't just ask for money  ...  How much do we need?  We serve a very detailed God, who gives detailed answers to detailed prayers.  Everything we know about Almighty God, from His Word, is how complete He is, down to the finest minute detail.  Look at the tabernacle plans, the 300 in Gideon's army who lapped from the hand while watching on alert, the Ten Commandments (not ten suggestions), the seven spirits that are before the throne, the seven churches of Asia and their "detailed" attributes, the Book of Revelation with the vials, the bowls, the judgment to be poured out on an unsuspecting world. 

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you,
that if any would not work, neither should he eat."
(2 Thessalonians 3:10)

The Holy Bible said it  ...  if you want to eat, you have to work for it!  In those days, they left the gleanings in the fields for the poor, but the poor had to go out and "work" and pick up those fallen blessings; they had to work the fields to get the food.  God never chose anyone who was not busy working  ...  the work of God is still WORK today.  It's all about honor and character.  Jesus Christ, our Lord, as a young man, worked in his earthly father's carpenter shop.  It's no different today, even with our economy and high unemployment; we must do whatever is necessary, in honest work, to feed ourselves and our families  ...  Fulfilling the Lord's assignment of reaching the lost, carrying on the ministry of our Lord, ever striving to win souls for the kingdom, and all that the ministry of the Church provides, is WORK  ...  we each have our part, and we must do it without wavering, perfecting and growing, seeking and reaching, enduring to the end  ...

"And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile,
go with him twain."
(Matthew 5:41)

What does going that extra mile really mean?  It means doing more than you are assigned, more than required, more than just getting by, more than just praying, more than just fasting, more than believing, more than just faith  ...  you brave the crowds when you're not allowed in public because of your incessant bleeding, and you fall to the ground, grabbing the hem of His garment  ... like Naaman, you dip seven times in a disgusting muddy river because you're an oozing flesh-decaying leper  ...  you climb a tree even though you're blind, just to get higher to call out to Him as He passes by, "JESUS!"  ...  you say things like, "Ye, Lord, but even the dogs eat of the crumbs under the table"  ...  you lie on the floor, pour out the expensive perfume, let down your long dark curls and wipe His feet with your hair  ...  you refuse to bow, so you walk in torrential flames of fire with the lover of your soul  ...  you die upside down so as not to be accused of dying like your lovely Lord  ...  MORE  ...  It means, if someone wants a drink, you give 'em a big ole cool drink of water, and then you  ...  "Water the Camels" ...

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He goes miles out of his way to reach "one more")

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sunday 10:30 am and Wednesday 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~

Send us your prayers, and if you would like to 
plant a seed into this worldwide ministry, 
please go to promiselandchurch.net.  
God Bless you, dear one, and I know He will!


PromiseLand Church!
We're praying, fasting, witnessing, and  if need be;
we'll "Water The Camels!"


{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"My Love!"

Do you feel the Love of Jesus Christ?  You can, right now!  You can experience His love, His Spirit, His power, His protection, and His redemption.  All you have to do is repent honestly and sincerely of all of your sins.  Ask Him to forgive you of everything in your life that has displeased Him, that evil and wrong, and tell Him you receive Him as your Savior.  Ask Him to cover you with His blood, and tell Him you will live for Him all of your life, and that you will be a witness for Him.  Call His name, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!"  

Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, and you will speak in a language you have never learned, as His Spirit gives you the utterance.  Then, go have someone baptize you with these words spoken over you, "By the profession of your faith in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I now baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."  Then, be completely immersed under the water; when you come up, you will be a "new creation;" all of your sins are forgiven and washed away.  He remembers them no more!  (This is in obedience to the Word of God in the Holy Bible, Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 10, and Acts 19)  The Book of Acts is where the Church began, and this is where we go in the Bible to find out what to do to be saved.)

God bless you, dear one!  It is the Spirit of Jesus Christ living in you that will raise your body on the day of the rapture.  (Please see Romans 8:11)  Thank you for joining us in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ!  It is Love online, Joy online, Peace online, Power online, and Worship online!  You may even join PromiseLand Church online; please go to promiselandchurch.net.  Joining our Church can be done there, as well as giving of love offerings and tithes.  We love you and care for you; send us your prayer requests.  May the Lord bless and keep you and His face smile upon you.  Rejoice in His Love; He's coming back for us, that where He is, we may be also

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

     Pastor Kenneth Phillips
He has enough love for the whole world!

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
~~~~~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~~~~~ 


PromiseLand Church
We love God, and we love the world!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com for the use of
graphic text generator}

Friday, February 14, 2014

"His LOVE!"

This is a Word from the Lord:

"You do not understand My love," says the Lord. 
 "You cannot fathom the love I have for whom I formed 
with My own hand, and molded into beloved man and 
woman. Love to you is a word and some emotions that
 fill your being, but to Me, it is the culmination of 
thousands of years of My loneliness for someone to
 partake of the beauty that flows from My mind into 
everything I touch and create, from the universe, to the 
earth, to My own created man and woman. Do you not 
know that I would die for you again, that I would bleed
 for you again, that I would be beaten for you again? 
 All that I gave of Myself was the intricacies of Love; it 
was the splash of infinite blood for a creation that knows 
not what is waiting for them. No, my beloved ones; You
 do not understand My Love, and You will not comprehend 
it, nor know it in its fullness, until you see Me face to face. 
 When you look into My eyes, you will eternally 
know LOVE." Says the Lord of Hosts.

(Visit promiselandchurch.net and theexperience238.com.)

Pastor Kenneth & Wanda Phillips
(They're showing the World the Love of Jesus Christ!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays 10:30 am and Wednesdays 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Please send your prayer requests to 
Your cares are our prayers!

Dear ones, please consider giving online at
promiselandchurch.net to help us bring God's Love and 
salvation to the world.  PromiseLand Church ministry 
has been ongoing for more than 46 years with 
One head Pastor, One loving Heart and One world Vision!
Join PromiseLand Church online!
God will surely bless You, and Thank You!


PromiseLand Church! 
Loving our Lord God, Jesus Christ, 
and loving the World!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


"But he that shall endure to the end, 
the same shall be saved."
(Matthew 24:13)

Fight, Warriors of the Most High God; swing that sword with
power, and fight for the cause
The Lord Jesus Christ is our strength; His spirit goes before us,
we need not fear the devil's claws
We are Warriors in earth, fighting for truth and the gospel,
even as Warriors in the heavens intercede
Angels fight to bring our answers, battling fiercely in the second
heaven, with flashes of lightning streaks
Don't Give Up, weary Warrior, for the sands are filling the
hourglass, and time is winding down
Keep your eyes on the prize, a home with Jesus in the skies,
and the coveted soulwinner's crown
Reap the harvest and fight the opposition, for he knows the
time is short, and he's on the loser's end
So, hold your head up, Saint, because the tormentor has an
appointment, with the flames to descend
We know we win; it's just a matter of the mind, holding fast to
the Name, the Word, and the Blood
Remember, when attacks begin that it's because the Glory's
about to fall; the Lord is coming like a flood
The battle is not ours; it's the Lord's, with His bared arm, that
Isaiah said would stretch before the Nations
We must stand our ground, be strong in the Lord and the power
of His might, and strongly guard our station
Every soldier has his place, his position, and his orders; we
zoom in on the target, it's the world of lost souls
And we fight on, knowing the reins are held by the Master;
He sets up, tears down, and has the controls
Those streaks in the night sky are glints from Angels' swords, as
they wield and rule the second heaven
They're fighting for us against satan, his imps, and the plots
and plans of the demonic hellions
We are not alone in this war; our Savior made provision, to
protect and defend us from all evil
Our prayers rise as torpedoes of blood-bought fire, and they
paint the skies like a canvas on an easel
The war will be strong and hard, but the victory's already won;
and the march of the Church is uniting
It's a new movement around the world, as Nations meet the
Savior, His redemption, and His love so inviting
The sheaves are gathering, and the harvest is greater than ever
before; we're heading for the end zone
Rejoice Warriors; Joy comes in the morning, and the Lion of
Judah will help us if we just "Walk On!"



Pastor Kenneth Phillips
(He's Walkin' On!)

PromiseLand Church, Austin, Texas
Services Sundays @ 10:30 am and Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm
~~~~~Live Streaming~~~~~

Thank you for joining us in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Please send us your prayer requests, and if you would like to 
sow seed into good ground, that prays for Miracles and sees 
Miracles, please give online @ promiselandchurch.net.  
God bless you, dear one, and I know He surely will!


PromiseLand Church!
We're Walking On to Victory!


{Special thanks to cooltext.com.}